Monday, August 31, 2009

Goodbye Winter Hello Spring.


On Friday I had sewing. Though there were only a few of us due to some of the ladies having medical appointments etc I managed to get the cutting done on my "Spring Giggles" quilt. This morning I have sewn the blocks together then joined them in rows. It is laying on the family room floor as I want to decide what colour should be used for a border strip. After the border strip there is a wider border strip. For this I have used the central block material-pink with polka dots.Once again it is a very bright quilt,must be something to do with quilting in winter. As with all my recent projects I have used material which is in my stash. If you look at the first block on the last row you will see a very multi coloured material. I made Bonnie a top out of this when she was very young. As it was a lovely cotton it was put into the stash basket and all these years later it has been put to use.
Earlier on I had purchased a bulk pack of bulbs at the Garden Show. It is the first time I have tried daffodils. I am really pleased with the result. They certainly put on a good show.

This lavender has been growing in our brick pavement around one end of
our house. It gets a prune back after flowering but I am sure I have never watered it. Its roots must suck up enough moisture. I planted the stocks earlier on in the year. The little "Chalet"daisies come up by themselves each year. Of course the nasturtium's provide a great deal of colour,with these far too many come up so I can easily pull them out and give the chooks a good feed.
With this being the last official day of winter I will be happy to look forward to spring.
Happy sewing and gardening.
Bev C

Thursday, August 27, 2009

"Raggy Quilt" finished.


Well I have just finished "The Raggy Quilt". This was a UFO that I had started probably about two years ago. I had bought the main colour print for a few dollars a metre and decided to make a raggy quilt. I did 16 six inch squares. There it remained until I started the Raggy Quilt Challenge.I only had a small amount of the yellow which I was using for the backing. As there was no chance of obtaining this material I purchased a very bright blue homespun for the backing. I ended up using the yellow ones and putting them around the border to compliment the others
So this photo above shows the back view of the quilt. I sure did have a sore thumb after snipping the hems for an hour this morning. After having a wash then a short time in the dryer it has all come up beautifully.

The print is very bright and cheery. Lots of hats and shoes in different styles. Lucy tried to claim this quilt but I already have plans for giving it to someone for there Birthday in October. I have some squares left over so will be making a cushion to go with it. I am certainly glad that I have finished this. If I make another one I think I will make the squares a lot bigger. I did see in the local picture framers/quilting machine/art supplies shop that you can get the wadding as well as the squares already cut up to your desired size. This includes the raggy edges as well. You don't have to do any cutting only the sewing. Lucy and I agreed that it is much nicer to do it yourself.
Now I will have to get to work to finish the Tea Cosy for this months stitching challenge.
Happy sewing.
Bev C

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Working to a list.


Well I have been working to a list this week. Mind you there were only 5 things on the to do list. I have managed to do 4.5 of them. I don't usually have a list but because I thought this might motivate me a bit I decided to do it.The first thing on my list was the machine embroidery's that I promised all those who entered the "Sweethearts" giveaway. Those who replied back with there choice have been sent. Those from New Zealand will be posted on Monday with Chris's Birthday present. I made a label for the giveaway "Sweetheart" and this has been posted also. I made a label for the Camel Letter Holder and this has been posted to its new owner. These two Milk Jug Covers I completed earlier on in the week. I made the pattern up to suit as I went along. I used a DMC crochet thread called Cebelia and a size 1.25 crochet hook. The material was cut out of the sleeves from Ainsley's shirt and backed with some tulle. I then over locked them together to crochet around the edge.
Another item on the list was to make another "Sweethearts." This time I used a red/blue floral material. I finished putting on the binding today and will put the label on it while watching television tonight.

I made up these curtains for my sewing room as well. Before I just had the lace curtain but after picking up metres and metres of this rubber backed curtain material for $10.00 I decided to sew them up. Mind you getting the curtain tape was a bit involved. When I first got the tape the lady allowed extra to turn under. That was OK,but she didn't give me the correct amount. She only allowed for one curtain. So I made up the first curtain. Ian was going to the city so I gave him the store card and a sample. He went to a different store and the lady gave him something completely different even though he showed her the sample. So another trip and it was finally bought. As we don't have a store in town now that sells curtain supplies like the tape it is pretty inconvenient when shop assistants don't do the right thing in the first place. Never mind I now have surplus tape that I don't need but the good thing is I have curtains for less then $15.00. Gotta love that. The bonus is they have roses on them. The other item on my to do list was to work on my raggy quilt. I only did half of that as I found some wadding that was left over from quilts and cut out the squares. I want to use up all my scraps before cutting into the newer piece.So all in all a very productive week sewing. I wonder when I will get to the bottom of my unfinished items because yesterday I was looking through things in my sewing room for a certain piece of material when I found a bag with a patchwork magazine and quite a bit of material dating back awhile. I had to look through the magazine to see what I was planning to make. I soon worked it out but was shocked to see some of the material had the year 2000 on it. I can remember buying it back in 1999. Do you remember that material because a lot of quilts were made around that time with the millennium on it. I suppose it will get done!!! No I didn't find the material I was looking for.
Happy sewing.
Bev C

Monday, August 17, 2009

A letter holder and some wonderful mail.


I have managed to finish off some projects lately. I had made this letter holder up about two years ago. I even had some of the binding on it. Then I noticed that a strip of the homespun was a different shade of black. I re-sewed it on the weekend.I used the process where you sew onto Vilene and sew the pieces in numerical order. I painted the material with orange yellow and brown paints. I have managed to finish some other projects ,I will show you these another day because today I was well and truly blessed with some lovely mail.
A while ago I left a comment on Tracy's blog. Although I didn't win Tracy said she would send me something. Well today I was gobsmacked when I opened my letter. A lovely card along with some red material. Tracy also knitted me a dishcloth. I absolutely love them as I was in need of a new dishcloth. I have some that I have crocheted and as my knitting skills are almost not there I am very very pleased with this. I have very few amounts of red and yellow in my stash so this will be put to good use. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Tracy. You are truly an Angel.

Also today the courier came. I received this lovely parcel of material and a beautiful card from
Sheree. I was lucky enough to win one of the weekly giveaways over here. Sheree was kind enough to put in a few extra pieces as well. I just love the butterfly's. I was given a pile of gardening,craft and patchwork magazines today. So I will spend the next couple of days enjoying reading and enthusing over them.
Happy days.
Bev C

Friday, August 14, 2009

"Sweetheart" goes to....


We have had a very windy day here. That is better than having a earth tremor though,yesterday at about 12.10am I was woken by a earth tremor. I don't know what it was on the Richter Scale but it went for a while and things rattled in the house. I don't usually like mice, but this one is cute. These embroidery samples were sewn out by Sue.
Sue made the quilt for me to take to the children's Hospital. Sue had everything on hand including the homespun and wadding. Some of the material came from Sheridan off cuts. Sheridan makes linen here in Australia. I don't think they sell the off cuts in the shops anymore.

These are the veggies I picked from the garden last night. Lots of broccoli,silver beet,kale and a miniature cauliflower. When I did the shopping today I realised how much money we are saving by growing our own fruit and vegetables. Ian has just drawn the winner of "Sweethearts" he was watched on by Lucy. Congratulations to Lauren I will send you a email shortly. I will give everyone else a consolation prize so expect a email as well. Thank you to everyone who entered my little giveaway. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Happy days.
Bev C

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Books,Chooks and Roses.


Well the title of this posting says it all. Three of my favourite things. I have had these books on order for a while. Ian picked them up for me earlier on in the week. I am in book heaven at the moment. Velvet Pears is such a beautiful book presentation wise and the book Made in France has the most wonderful cross stitch and embroidery patterns with beautiful pictures to go with them. The cross stitches are in red white and blue. When I buy a book I usually road test it from the local library first,this way I can see if it really is as good as they say. Sometimes when you read a book review the reviewer has a different take on the book than yourself.
Sue,one of the ladies who comes to sewing and is actually our tutor road tests embroidery patterns for a lady in South Africa. Last month Sue brought along some samples to give away. I said I would take some and sew them into something for a charity.

Yesterday I made this wall hanging with the four samples.The final measurements are about 19 inches square. Next time Lucy has an appointment I will take it to the hospital she attends in the city. They can sell it in the shop. Sue also made a quilt for me to take as well. I will show this another day.

With the lovely weather we have been having it is time to get out into the garden and see what needs to be done. I still haven't pruned a lot of the roses. They are all in bloom. This one in the photo above smells just beautiful. I couldn't cut the flowers of just yet.

Out the back they are blooming as well. The rose in the foreground is called "Sophy's Rose'. It has dark cerise pink rosette shaped blooms. It is always in bloom and has a light tea fragrance.The rose climbing up the gazebo is called "Crepescule" It is a Noisette with loosely double,apricot-gold blooms. It is fragrant and very free flowering. After school today I plan to take Lucy for afternoon tea at the Book Cafe. I have heard that they have some more craft magazines in. At only a small price I can pick up some recent issues and have some lovely coffee and cake as well. I hope you all have an extra special day. Remember to check back tomorrow evening to see who is the new owner of "Sweethearts."
Happy days.
Bev C

Sunday, August 9, 2009

"Sweethearts" Redwork Wallhanging Giveaway.


I hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend. I have just finished sewing on the binding on my Red work Wall Hanging. The final measurements ended up being 34.5 inches long and 21.5 inches wide. I selected 6 stitchery designs from Brother embroidery Card No. 65. I loved using these cute designs,they turned out really well and didn't take much time to stitch out on my machine. I have decided to call it "Sweethearts."
The first two are of a little girl playing with her cat and teddy bear.

Then there is a little boy sailing his boat and riding his scooter.

Then the "Sweethearts" meet up for a picnic and the rest is history. If you want to win "Sweethearts" please leave a comment on this post only. I will pick the winner on Friday 14th August at 5.00pm. Overseas entries are more than welcome. When the winner is decided I will make a label with there name on it to put on the back. Good luck everyone. Last week I sorted through my patchwork scraps,some went to charity and rest have been put in a big calico bag. At the bottom of the scraps I found two UFO's. I had cut the sleeves of a shirt for Ainsley some years ago. I had cut two circles and had started making a Milk Jug Cover. I had crocheted around the edge. I finished one last night. Just like when you are sewing and run out of thread three inches before the end the same happened with the crochet thread. I was lucky I had a doily that I hadn't finished and have since lost the pattern so I was able to undo that and use it to finish of the Milk Jug Cover. Hopefully I will get the other one done this week.
Happy sewing
Bev C

Thursday, August 6, 2009

"Two Hoots"


Last month for our stitching challenge we decided to make a soft toy. We used Robyn's pattern which is called "Hoot." He worked out so well,the pattern was easy to follow.
Anita made hers in bright yellow. He now has a new home at the school library Anita works at. She tells me that the children just love him and have a great time playing with him.
I made my "Hoot"in blue, he enjoyed a little bit of sun then has decided to call my sewing room home. If you want the pattern for "Hoot" it is for sale in Robyn's etsy store. Please go and check it out. For this months challenge we can make either a tea cosy or pot holder. We can make it from any pattern we can felt it knit it whatever takes our fancy. It will be interesting to see the end result. I think Anita will be knitting hers!!! She is a very clever knitter and has been doing some jumpers etc for the Guardian Angel Knitting Program. This year all the knitted items will be given out to Australians in need. World Vision used to send them overseas but with rising costs this has changed. With Anita doing her knitting for charity this got me to thinking about "Random Acts of Kindness" Have you ever done this? Maybe everyone that reads my blog could do a "Random Act of Kindness." You could make a donation to your favourite charity,donate a blanket to the Saint Vinnie's Winter Blanket Appeal,donate blood or become a blood donor,visit someone you haven't seen for awhile,or just say hello to someone different today. Wouldn't the world be a better place.

As this is my 100th posting I will be having a little giveaway later on. The embroidery above will be in this. Aren't they cute. Check back later on, I have to finish it off first. Thank you to everyone who has commented visited emailed and encouraged me regarding my blogging,you all keep me inspired.
Happy sewing.
Bev C

Monday, August 3, 2009

Lucy's Raggy Quilt is Finished...Yay!!!


Lucy has finished her Raggy Quilt. I woke up this morning and she was asleep on the lounge chair with several quilts on her as well as her very own. She had finished cutting the edges late last night while watching the cricket. We didn't have any spring loaded scissors so Lucy has some very sore fingers.So this morning I had the job of washing the quilt and putting it in the dryer. It has come up a treat. Lucy has made her quilt in green and red toning. Included in it are spots paisleys floral's and stripes. Congratulations Lucy on finishing the quilt. Lucy has had times when she really wanted to quilt it and other times when she would rather watch the cricket or football. Although one night last week it was 10.30pm and she wanted to do some work on it. Sorry Lucy a bit late for me.
The back of the quilt even has a pattern. Lucy was very clever in working this out. She had to be on her toes when it came to putting the blocks together. So it is reversible. I just love it Lucy.

Saturday morning saw us down at the Avon River for the start of the 37th Avon Descent. The powerboats had already gone when we got there and we had to wait for the canoes to start. This event goes for 133km's and is held over two days. This year there were about 875 competitors who braved the cold morning. The photo above shows the "Prospector" train pausing to let the passengers have a great view of the canoeist's going over the weir.

These brave people had only just started I wonder how tired and sore they are today?

Several balloons were hovering over the starting area. What a great view they would have had. We have two ballooning companies in town. We quite often get up to a balloon going overhead or landing in the paddock across the road. Friday I had plans to go to the Stitches and Craft Show. I had dropped Lucy of at school then came back home to do a few jobs then I had an errand or two to do down town before I left. While doing this I realised I didn't have my phone but thought I could live without it for the day. So after travelling for three quarters of an hour I then realised I didn't have my purse in my bag. No Money No Phone!!! I still had another three quarters of an hour to drive to the show as well. So I had to turn around and come back home. 130mks of driving for nothing. I was so disappointed with myself for not checking. I usually double check to see that I have everything. Oh Well! Luckily a good friend was going to the show. So yesterday we travelled down together with her two crafty orientated daughters and had a great day out. I was very impressed with the Exhibition put on by the Embroiderers Guild. They are celebrating 40 years this year. It is amazing what can be done with just a needle and thread. We had a fun time choosing the Most Popular in the Quilt's as well. Next year I will go again but make sure I have some money with me when I set of.
Happy days.
Bev C