Monday, April 30, 2012

"Makes Me Happy Monday."

Hello and a Happy Monday to you.

Hope you had a great week. Mine just seem to fly by. Tuesday morning last week saw a parcel arrive from my Sister Chris. I quickly unwrapped it and was so happy to see a copy of the New Zealand Gardener Rose special. Unfortunately I was on the way out to Midland. Lucy had plans to purchase herself some new bedroom furniture and linen. So it wasn't until the evening that I was able to sit down and have a good look through the magazine.

"Dapple Dawn Rose."

Thanks Chris you have made me very happy.

While we were in Midland I checked out the fabric shops for the backing fabric for the Raggedy quilt.

I was lucky enough to find some fabric in red and blue in Textile Traders for $2.00 per metre. I purchased the smallest roll which had about ten metres on it. I did have the measurements for how much backing fabric I needed but when I saw this  fabric I just purchased the whole lot.

I am happy to say that I spent Thursday evening pinning the quilt together so I could get some hand quilting  done at sewing on Friday.

Not so happy with the sore inner thigh muscles from bending down pinning though. Who knew that patchwork was not good for inner thigh muscles!!!

Happy to step out the back door at night and hear frogs talking.

Happy to have made a great chocolate cake recipe which makes two cakes. I added a piece of Rose Geranium Pelargonium in the bottom of the tin. This adds a lovely taste to the cake.

Happy to have picked a Queensland Blue Pumpkin. This weighed just over 6 kilos. Lots of pumpkin soup in the coming weeks.

Happy to know that it can rain. Though it seems to love to rain elsewhere rather than here. Only measured 2mls in the gauge on Sunday and  again today.  Just enough rain to wash the dust of everything.

I wonder what is making you happy today?

Happy days.
Bev C

Monday, April 23, 2012

"Raggedy Anne and Andy makes for a Happy Monday."


Happy Monday to you.

The past week has gone.  I couldn't get into anything.  Thankfully this is a new week. I did  finish the blocks for the Raggedy Anne and Andy quilt blocks.

I was debating how to quilt it. I was thinking about quilt-as-you-go. After spending quite sometime on the net looking at the different ways it is done I think I will just go ahead and join the blocks and quilt it normally. I have no more of the black homespun left so will use some cream homespun for the rest of the sashing and have cut out some red squares for the corners.

I changed several of the blocks around slightly. This one I made Anne some hair and Andy got a hat instead of just the stitching.

In some of the blocks I used buttons for the hair. You may be wondering why blue buttons instead of red buttons. Well,remember  people with read hair were called "Bluey". This was usually for males here in Australia but I don't thing Anne will mind have some blue buttons and french knots for her hair. Hopefully tomorrow I will take a trip to Midland and I will be able to pick up some backing fabric.

Other things "Making me Happy" are;

Peanut Butter, haven't had this for so long. Bonnie wanted some so it was added to the shopping list. Dick Smith makes a great Peanut Butter, great on my morning toast.

The vegie seeds I planted last week are coming up. I will be planting plenty more this week.

Picking up a trailer  load of Horse manure for the garden. Just need some rain to go with it.

I had to smile and laugh yesterday when I was reading Pauline's post. Let me know if you have seen a shop like this one!!!!

Last week I received a email from a shop in the US with charm packs on sale for $2.50 how good is that price. Yet when I went to buy a Cucumber on Saturday they were $3.00 each. I know you can't compare them really but it makes you think who is ripping who of. Like when I was at the deli, the fish I bought last week was on special for $10.00. This weeks special price $17.00. Needless to say the fish stayed at the deli.

A much happier Observation.
Ian and I were enjoying our afternoon walk last week and about 15 metres in front of us was a Bubble. Just floating across the footpath. Not a child in sight nor did we hear any playing nearby. I only thought Faeries played in the bottom of the garden.

Have a Happy Monday.
Bev C

Monday, April 16, 2012

"Makes Me Happy Monday" - Take Five.


Happy Monday. Hope you have the best day possible.

The last couple of days have been spent out in the garden. Planting our Winter vegetables, including Broad Beans, Purple Headed Cauliflower which is a old fashioned variety called "Purple of Cicily" an Italian heirloom. These purple headed cauliflowers are supposed to be more resistant to pest attack. Also planted some Bok Choy and Pak Choy and Broccoli. Still have the potatoes and peas to plant in the next couple of days. Hopefully some rain will come soon to settle them all in. Gardening always makes "Me Happy."

I have been doing some craft, a little bit of crochet, stitching on Raggedy Anne and Andy quilt and some sewing.

I was going through fabrics and found these pieces of flannelet left over from previous sewing so made them into baby bibs. Now I have three bibs instead of two pieces of fabric in my cupboard!!!

I received a Liebster Blog Award from Bobbie Lynn. Thanks Bobbie Lynn. This is the same one I mentioned last week. So please everyone take it upon yourself to give yourself this Award.  Of course I am supposed to tell you five things about myself. This time I thought I would do something a little different.

Take Five.

I was the kind of kid who.... Was outdoors, loved watching Elvis movies on Saturday afternoon, playing sport, loved Hockey and Running/Athletics.

My Mother always told me... You can't hate people, you can dislike them immensely but you must never hate someone.

The biggest lesson I learnt at school... Phys Ed was so much more interesting than Maths.

My first big crush was... The Bee Gees.

I really hate it when...  People lie.

I'm very good at... Finding things in Op Shops.

I am frightened of... Reptiles, see I can't even write s_____.

My home is... Kainga,where I can spend all day in the garden.

The latest book I read was... Monet at Giverny by Caroline Holmes.

I am happiest when... The garden is growing, everyone is healthy and the weather is perfect.

I hope I never... Have to do jury duty.

Life is for... Living.

Roses in Vase "Radio Times."

Happy Monday
Bev C.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"Lisa's Fruit Bag"


On Tuesday I finally finished a bag that I had put away for a while. The "destruction's" were not quite right.  Some of the instructions were repeated after another which was very annoying and the sizes for pieces of fabric were different in parts of the pattern. Much to confusing for me. So I asked the lady who gave me the pattern to lend me her bag. It was so much easier to make looking at a finished item.

Lisa's Fruit Bag.

This is one of those bags that is supposed to be made from the product called "Pet Screen Mesh."  I wasn't able to find any of that so purchased some Fibreglass Fly screen which is much the same thing from Bunnings. I made my bag a little wider than what the instructions said as I would have had to cut only a few inches of the side.

I used a Brother embroidery card to stitch out the fruit designs to match the fruit on the material. The design is on both sides of the bag.  Lisa sent me the material last year so that is why it is called "Lisa's Fruit Bag.

This is the inside of the bag, showing the covered insert. I used some template plastic covered in the same fabric. Along the edges you needed to bind the hems with wide bias binding. I didn't have any on hand so used some black homespun cut on the bias. Did the job perfectly and so much stronger than bought bias binding. I added a magnetic clasp to the top. It holds the bag together so well.  I am so happy to finally have it finished. I can certainly tick this one of the "list."

Happy days.
Bev C

Friday, April 6, 2012

"Raggedy Anne and Andy left at home at Easter."


Poor old Raggedy Anne and Andy. They are feeling rather abandoned. Left in a plastic bag for a couple of months. Lucky Easter is here and they are out of the bag.

I have been doing the stitching on some of the blocks while watching "Jam & Jerusalem" If you haven't watched this show you must. I borrowed the DVD's from the library. Seasons 1 2 and 3. English comedy at its best.

Being Good Friday means morning tea and home made hot cross buns. I made these in the bread maker late yesterday. The crosses spread a little but that doesn't matter. Glaze on the top is delicious. Russian Caravan tea in the pot. Ian had his bun with some home made Fig jam. I didn't make the jam a lady at work did.

 We have all decided not to have chocolate eggs this year. They just don't taste like they used to. I will be picking these apples instead. So much better for us and if you haven't tasted a home grown apple you are missing out.

This morning I planted some Chinese Cabbages around the edges of the Broccoli. I added lots of compost to the vegie garden last week. The yellow sprinkler is one of those ones that you can use of a water tank. It emits a gentle flow of water.

This photo gives new meaning to the saying "Feathering the Nest" I could see somthing move as I was typing up this post. Went outside to investigate and saw that it was a feather stuck halfway into a crack in the paving near the pool. Two ants were pulling the feather into the crack. One of them had a piece of purple blossom in his mouth and I notice one of my Sweet Pea seeds as well!!!

I have been awarded  the "Liebster Blog Award" from   Holly who's blog is  Holly has several blogs,have you read them?

This award is for blogs who have less than 200 followers. I have to pass on this to 5 blogs, the hard part.

The easy part is to tell you 5 things about myself.

1. I do not eat Brussel Sprouts, is there anyone besides Ian who does????

2. I hope there are Vanilla Slices in Heaven. These would be one of my favourite foods.

3. I am currently reading "A Year in Provence" by Peter Mayle, I am up to October.

4. I walk twice a day for a hour.

5. I love Cinnamon, I put it on toast in my cup of tea.

Now to the 5 blogs. I understand fully it you don't want to take the award.

Sue from Charlottes Cottage

Narelle from Pins and Whiskers

Annette from Lounging with a Latte

Margaret from Cosmos and Chrysanthemums

Vickie from Vickies Crafting

Happy Easter everyone.
Bev C

Monday, April 2, 2012

"Life is great when a surprise parcel comes from Bobbie Lynn."


Happy Monday to you. Hope its a good one for you.

Early on last week I was estastic to receive a surprise parcel in the post from Bobbie Lynn. I was over the moon to receive one of Bobbie Lynn's Brown Paper Gift Bag's.

Bobbie Lynn had decorated paper bags and posted about them on her blog not long ago. I made the comment I would never look at a paper bag the same way again. Look at how beautiful it is. Plus it was full of embroidery threads. I also received one of Bobbie Lynn's cards which she makes. She made it so I can re-use it later on. How clever is that. Two packets of iron on transfers were included as well. Thank you so much Bobbie Lynn. I truly appreciate this little packet of love. Please visit Bobbie Lynn's blog to see her wonderful card making and garden plus you will meet Opie.

Late last week Ian and I planned to go to the Kalamunda Markets on Saturday. I had a moment of clarity when I was spreading the Vegemite on my toast on Saturday morning. The markets are held on the first Saturday of the month not the last Saturday of the month!!!! We still went to Kalamunda and had a look around and had lunch at our favourite cafe. We then went to a open garden in Helena Valley. This  garden was part of the Australian Open Garden Scheme.

The one acre garden was so full of plants. Lots of nooks and cranny's. Children would have so much fun playing hide and seek in this garden.

The owners did all the work themselves. Lots of ponds which were different sizes.

Paths lead you into different parts of the yard. You never knew what you would see around the corner. Ian and I managed to loose each other at one time. I was sitting and waiting for him while he was looking at the garden around the other side.

The garden had lots of trees and most of the plants were quite tough.

This was the view from the front of the verandah. We both loved this view.

This bed was on the front verandah.  The perfect spot to sleep on a hot night. The owner of the property built the house himself.  Lots of re-cycled doors and windows were used in the home. The lady of the house does leadlighting and her artwork was in abundance. The verandah's were full of old objects which was interesting. Thanks Ian for the lovely day.

Sunday was a busy day as well. The annual "Flying Fifty "was on in town over the weekend. So on Sunday we went and watched the old cars some from the 1920's racing around the town. I am not normally a car racing type of person but for a few hours once a year I am. If they were those modern fuel guzzlers you wouldn't get me near them.

So not a stitch was stitched on the weekend. I guess the good thing about this is that there was no un-picking.

Happy Monday.
Bev C