Thursday, April 23, 2015

"I have proof, the cow really didn't jump over the moon."


I do have unequivocal proof that the "cow really didn't jump over the moon"

 For years I have believed that tale about Hey diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle the cow jumped over the moon. Not true at all she was taken by aliens.

You see one minute the cow was eating grass and along came a spaceship and mooo'd it up.

Of course the big question is.......

What really happened to the dish and the spoon?

This fun and quirky embroidery is  from Urban Threads and yes the cow really did get mooo'd up into the spaceship. When sewing out the design the words mooo'd is written under the bottom purple thread of the spaceship. Someone at Urban Threads has a wonderful sense of humour.

Happy days.
Bev C

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

"Miss Mary Mack cross stitch and Folk Art Quilt are finished."


Miss Mary Mack is finally finished.

 I used DMC  5283 Light Effects  for the word Silver. I was planning to use another brand but found it really was a lot of hard work so ended up using the DMC thread.

Another cross stitch to take to the framers one day.

The Folk Art quilt was finished at the start of the month.

 I used a variety of designs for the quilting. Brother Country threads were used for the quilting.

 I added the tea dyed calico and homespun border and had enough of the fabric left over to use for the binding.

I used this fabric for the backing. One day when I was in Good Sammy;s the lady told me about a bundle of fabric, nearly five metres of it for only $1.00. Of course I said yes, it was 100% cotton so just perfect for backing fabric.

We received some much needed rain last week, so have been busy preparing and planting the Winter vegies. Plus the Olives are ready for picking. I did some yesterday, it takes time as I have to prick each olive several times and soak them for a few days before adding salt to the water and changing it each day for the next 10 to 12 days.It is nice to have our own produce to eat when we want though.

I have started a cross stitch that has been waiting to be done for sometime. Roses is the theme for this one. Hopefully I will have a bud or two to show next time.

Happy days.
Bev C

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

"Volunteers needed to sew knit and crochet for Premmie Bubs, can you help?"


Late last week I came across a wonderful post on the Tiny Sparks blog. They were asking for volunteers to sew tiny baby outfits for premmie babies here in Western Australia.

There is a pattern for boys and girls outfits. As you can see you don't need a lot of fabric. Sort through your stash I am sure you will find lots of fabric that is suitable. They have since put up patterns for knitted hats and are looking for knitters. I am sure a pattern for a crochet hat will be on their blog soon if you crochet.

Please help with sewing some outfits and most importantly spread the word that volunteers are needed.

Happy days.
Bev C

Monday, April 6, 2015

"A little bit of colour in the garden."


Happy Monday.

I hope you are enjoying the Easter break. Last week I took a wander around the garden here at Kainga.

 From afar it doesn't look like much is blooming but upon closer inspection I found some lovely roses blooming and just about each flower had bees near it.

Tough plants that survive without a lot of water are most welcome here. Always adding to the succulent collection. These plants fascinate me, I love the shapes and sizes they come in. The garlic chive flowers (middle photo top row) are delicious put in a stir fry.

Have you got anything unusual blooming in your garden? I would love to hear about it.

Happy days.
Bev C

Friday, April 3, 2015

"FNWF, lovely mail and art on the silo's."


Thanks to Cheryll for hosting Friday Night with Friends tonight.

 I worked on my Miss Mary Mack cross stitch in the evening but in the morning I was able to get the backing ready for the scrap quilt. I had a metre of yellow fabric and added some squares to make it big enough.  I plan to quilt this one soon.

 I recently won a giveaway from Tracy from Outback Craftaholic. 3 exquisite fat quarters and two lovely buttons and the cutest card which is so tiny. Thanks so much Tracy and congratulations on three years of blogging.

There are currently two international artist's by the name of Phlegm and Hense painting the silo's at Avon Yards. This will take two weeks to do. We went for a quick trip today to see how they were going. It will be interesting to see them when finished.

These will be a wonderful tourist attraction when finished. Will post some more photo's when it is all finished.

Have a great weekend.

Happy days.
Bev C