Saturday, January 23, 2016

"Friday Night Sew In."


Happy Saturday.

Last night I joined in Friday Night Sew In hosted by Wendy. While watching the tennis I was able to decipher a crochet pattern I found on line and make a bookmark.

I plan to make a few more of these using up those little bits of crochet thread left over from previous projects. This one was made with a size 10 DMC cotton and a 1.5 mm hook.

I finished the crochet rug earlier on in the week. I finished the edge with a row of double crochet.

I wanted to use up as much of the wool as I could. This was all I had left, not bad at all.That is one less bag of supplies out of the sewing room. My plan is to attack the projects gradually.

How are you going with your projects this year. Do you have a definite plan on what you are working on? I would love to hear how you go about tackling projects and keeping motivated on the project you are working on.

Don't forget to check out the other participants who joined in Friday Night Sew In. There were 54 people creating items either for themselves or others.

Enjoy the weekend.

Happy days.
Bev C

Monday, January 18, 2016

"Crochet Rug, Tennis and a easy Worm Farm."


Happy Monday.

I hope January has started well for you. It has been rather a social month for us here at Kainga. My Brother and Sister in Law have returned back to New Zealand. It was great to catch up and enjoy each others company. I like a lot of other bloggers have been sorting through projects that need finishing. In my case it was starting a crochet blanket. I purchased the wool before Jude was born but didn't get around to making it up as his Great Gran crocheted a blanket for him when he was born.

I bought 2 100 gram balls of each colour which is 100 per cent wool. I finished the blanket today, I have to cut and thread all the ends into the back. I plan to block the rug, if anyone has blocked a blanket before any hints on how to go about this would be appreciated.

Attending the Hopman Cup has been on my bucket list for a while. Ian gifted me tickets for my Birthday last year. I got to choose which day to attend depending on who was playing. Of course I wanted to see.....

 Serena Williams. She only got to play a set and a bit due to a knee injury. I was so pleased I got to see her play as she had not played the previous day. We got to see some amazing tennis and so much is going on that you don't see on the TV. The Hopman Cup was held at the Perth Arena, the perfect venue, so easy to get in and out of. The bonus being the ladies toilet was just next to the entry we had to go in. The gents was a little further away!

 We try to grow a variety of vegies organically.. After visiting a open garden late last year we saw a very easy worm farm to put in a vegie garden bed. You need a bucket with a lid. Cut out the base of the bucket and drill several holes a few inches above the base of the bucket around the sides. Smaller holes are drilled around the sides a few inches from the top, above the soil level for air to get in.

Place  some newspaper on the bottom of the bucket on the garden soil then place your worms, and add some vegie scraps, cardboard etc then place on top of all this some damp newspaper or old rags, I added a old face washer then the paper. (see above photo.)  The top newspaper/cloth needs to be kept damp. The nutrients the worms produce leach out from the base and the holes. No need to fertilise the garden bed the worms do it for you.We purchased a box of 500 worms from Masters and this was enough to make up two worm farms. Food is put in every week or so depending how much has been eaten by the worms.

I recently won two tickets to see the movie  The Suffragettes. It was a great movie making me realise how lucky we are to be alive now not back in the early 1900's. Can you imagine starting work when you are 7 years old.

Has your year started well?  I would love to hear what you have been doing.

Happy days.
Bev C

Saturday, January 2, 2016

"Mother Nature."


I saw this sign at a open garden back in October 2015 and thought it was so true

Enjoy the weekend.

Happy days.
Bev C