Sunday, August 7, 2016

"With Needle and Thread."


Friday Night with Friends was on on Friday evening. There were 22 ladies from across the globe stitching up a storm. Thanks Cheryll for hosting this event.

I worked on a small cross stitch from the designer Casa Mia. I chose my own colours for this.Please note there are some extremely cute designs that are available for free from this site.

I missed the first bit of the opening ceremony of the Olympics but I was thoroughly impressed with what I saw. So glad to see that the environment took centre stage. Hopefully this will give our politicians the shove in the right direction. Off my soapbox now and back to watching the Australian ladies playing Hockey.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Happy days.
Bev C

Thursday, August 4, 2016

"Especially for Miss March."


A little Winter blogging break has come to a end. I had a few things to attend to and it was wonderful to be internet free for a while. I did finish a cross stitch wall hanging  for my great Niece.

 This design is part of a cross stitch along on the internet. I changed the middle section and put a rabbit (hare) in the centre instead, which was another months design.

 I made it up in 14 count Aida and several brands of threads. My great Niece is aptly named March.

Earlier on in the year I made up several oven mitts and gave one each to my two eldest daughters from that batch. Of course they said Mum you know we need one for each hand so another two were made up.

Friday Night with Friends is on tomorrow, hoping to find a project to work on.

Happy days.
Bev C