Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Motivational Mail


Yesterday I went to the Post Office to pick up a parcel. I won a giveaway of wonderful gifts.
These came all the way from the USA from Lee Anne . When Lee Anne first sent the parcel it came back to her a few days later!!! She then tried another Post Office which obviously was a bit better at sending parcels than the first one. There is a Butterfly cross stitch kit and some beautiful shades of silk thread amongst them. Yes the Skittles are still intact. They will get eaten tonight. Please check out Lee Anne's blog as it contains some lovely items of cross stitch and a beautiful Grandson called Levi.
Plus there is a giveaway for October which closes soon.

While I was waiting for the parcel to arrive I decided to start a little cross stitch from the book I bought not long ago. I have some of these towels in my stash. I paid $2.00 each for them. Brand new with the label still on them at Good Sammy's. Yes Pat if you are reading this I do do something with some of the things I buy.
I used DMC No 321 for the stitching. I had to add one or two extra stitches for the antennae as I had miscalculated the middle of the stitching. I think it still worked out OK though. I have at least two more towels that I can use. Although I am using things from my stash can someone please tell me why it doesn't seem to shrink.
I sprayed my roses this morning for aphids. I have seen a few ladybirds but I think I need some like these to keep the numbers down.
Happy cross stitching
Bev C


  1. Great giveaway and I love those towels you stitched!
    I really wonder sometimes what happens with those parcels. Luckily it did get to you after all. I'm still waiting for 2 parcels that have never arrived since July )O:

  2. I really love those ladybugs!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  3. Oopsy, sorry - ladybirds!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  4. Very sweet towels with the cross stitch and what a fun giveaway.

  5. Cute stitching on the towel and wonderful giveaways you've received. Enjoy!

  6. Congratulations on your win Bev!!! I love that book...who wrote it? Have fun with the cross stitch...Dzintra♥x

  7. Some neat stuff there Bev and so far so good for me on the aphides but the crickets are the ones at the moment eating my rose buds. This has been the first year that I have seen more crickets and they bit too. : ( Need to remember to wear gloves the next time I pick them off. Good luck with your roses. Have a great day! How is the weather there?


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