Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"When the world wearies and society does not satisfy there is always the Garden."


I have a little garden plaque I picked up for a few dollars at a garage sale and it says on it "When the world wearies and society does not satisfy there is always the garden". Well this is so true. Over the last couple of days I have had the worst customer service at two places. Actually there was no service only money grabbing going on. Needless to say Lucy is still without her maths book and my cross stitch is back at the framers. I think I maybe making some little voodoo dolls over Easter!!!! No I wouldn't waste my time on that I hope to get a lot of stitching and sewing done and maybe a little bit of furniture moving if Ainsley and Julian get the keys to there new home and that is another story in itself. As Ainsley said on the weekend she is past caring. Anyway enough of the bad stuff the garden at Kainga is producing. Just look at these lovely strawberries. They are just called "Pink Strawberry". These are just delicious and rarely get into the kitchen instead are eaten by me when I am watering them.
The three sunflowers are all in bloom. They all seem to be different. The bees are just loving this bit of yellow heaven.

With last weeks storms we have seen on the news the devastation that was caused to the market growers. Whole crops were wiped out. One gentleman used to deliver 10 semi-trailers loads of lettuce to the markets each day. After seeing the price of lettuce last Saturday and again today I am so glad we have some growing. The pick and grow again types are really good. Apparently the lettuce with the red leaves are much better for you. They have more antioxidants.
As the label says they are garden fresh. You couldn't ask for anything better than that.
The roses just out the back are all in bloom or bud which certainly is great to see. With the temperature dropping about 15 to 20 degrees since last month the garden is the place to be.

Here is the pillowcase that I made for our monthly stitching challenge. I appliqued the bunny onto the material and added a bunny material to the end of the pillowcase. Everything I used I had on hand. The orange material came in a big box of patchwork material that I purchased at a garage sale years back. The lady I bought it from was having a lifestyle change and shifting to the city. Poor her I think shifting to the city and not taking all her material.
I wish everyone a safe Easter. I hope the bunny manages to hop into your place and leave something special for you..
Happy Easter.
Bev C

Monday, March 29, 2010

"Makes Me Happy Monday" number 13.


Welcome to Monday. This week I have chosen something a little different. Here at Kainga we are fairly enviromentally friendly. We recycle reuse and reduce as much as possible. Two Christmas's ago I was disgusted at the amount of junk mail we were getting in our letterbox. One toy catalogue from Big W weighed an astronomical amount,we don't have small children so this was an absolute waste especially seeing it was printed on glossy paper. It took a couple of months for me to convince Ian that we really didn't need that junk mail. How often did we buy something from them? I know Ian was a bit reluctant because he would miss out on the hardware catalogues,but guess what they are all on-line. Finding a "no junk mail" sign was impossible so we found "no circulars" which works a treat. I am so happy that we don't get that junk mail especially after watching the ABC news at lunch time a few weeks ago,there was an item showcasing that the average Australian household receives 23kilos of junk mail per year. Yes the junk mail may be going somewhere else instead of our household but if everyone that looks at this blog puts up a sign just imagine what the difference would be. If you have time gather up some papers to weigh 23 kilos and you will be surprised to see how much it is. So on this Monday I am happy to have a 'no circulars' sign on our letterbox.

Happy Monday.
Bev C

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Rabbit,Shirt,Sunflower and Storms.


Well what an interesting couple of days we have had recently. Lots of lightning thunder and we even managed to get some rain. Our first lot of rain for the year. Unlike other places which received massive amounts we received 14.5mls up until 9.00am on Tuesday and we got another 6.5mls up until 9.00am on Wednesday. The gardens are looking refreshed and all that dust on the roof has been washed away. Here is a little sneak peak of our "Stitching Challenge" Anita are doing each month. This month we got to make something with Fiona's rabbit stitchery. I made it into something for Lucy and she saw it in her room when she got home from school yesterday. She thought it was cool,which is great.
Yesterday I made this shirt out of some material I had in my cupboard. I made a tab front shirt out of the same material a few years back. I had just finished sewing and over locking it and was ready to press it when I realised I had sewn one of the sleeves inside out. It took me just as long to unpick the over locking and sewing as it did to make the shirt. Luckily I was able to match up the stripes quite easily.

Look what came into flower in the garden. I planted 4 of Peter's sunflower seeds recently in a raised veggie bed. Three of them decided to grow. This is the shortest one and it is in full flower today. The other two will most probably open there heads in the next day or so.

Ian passed on some photo's of the storm Perth had on Monday,this is driving through the Northbridge Tunnel. The speed limit in the tunnel is 80km per hour. I can't imagine anyone was doing that on Monday. Though they were probably safer in the tunnel as there are thousands of cars damaged by hail. David has our Ute and this has been damaged by hail. There is gong to be up to a two year wait because of the massive amount of work needed to be done by repairers and panel beaters. Luckily David was not driving in the bad weather he was at Uni that day and had to travel home by train. The train stopped about ten times so the journey was a bit longer though he was dry.

This is inside the library of the University of West Australia which received a massive amount of damage including having heritage lead light windows smashed to pieces by hail. Perth has never seen a storm like it.
I tried to make a very small doll today. After painting sewing stuffing etc I decided doll making was not for me. Especially one so small. Oh well onto something else now.
Happy days.
Bev C

Monday, March 22, 2010

"Makes Me Happy Monday" number 12.


Welcome to the beginning of another week and our "Happy Monday" postings. This week I chose a big occasion on Lucy's social calender. Her Year 12 school ball. This was held on Saturday evening.The theme this year was "Fire and Ice" with the hall at Muresk suitably decked out for the students. Preparations began a few weeks back when Lucy and Bonnie took off to the city for a days shopping. At only the second shop they managed to find a dress then the hunt was on for matching shoes bag earrings and bracelet and make up. I think they found just the right dress and accessories.Early on Saturday Bonnie came and gave Lucy a spray tan then came back later on in the day to do the hair and make up. Bonnie's friend Courtney came and helped pin up Lucy's hair after Bonnie had curled it. If you are wondering what Ian and I did to help get Lucy ready we washed Bonnie's car to perfection as this was how Lucy and her friend Sharelle were getting to the ball.
We had lots of photo's taken out the back before everyone met at the local park for some more photo's.

After the photo shoot at Bernard Park Bonnie and Courtney drove Lucy and Sharelle out to the ball which was being held at the Muresk Campus. On the way they had there own "rural" photo shoot and met up with David and Sheri who were coming home for the night and to see Lucy all dressed to the nines. Sharelle's Mum made her dress and finished it the day before. I think she did a wonderful job on it.

I actually liked these photo's a heap more than the ones that were taken in the local park. They have a lot more character about them.

Here are Lucy and Sharelle who is the head girl this year entering the ball. I think it is about the only photo that Lucy and Sharelle are holding there clutches. Lucy had a great time dancing the night away and said it was great fun. David and Sheri drove out to pick Lucy up when the ball finished at 11.30pm. I waited up to see that all went OK and when they all arrived back home Lucy was hungry so they drove to Macca's to get a snack at midnight. Lucy slept in until just after midday then had another sleep later on. All that dancing must have worn her legs out. David and Sheri were up with the sun and had to drive back to the city early because David had to start work at 9.00am. Thank you to Bonnie Courtney David and Sheri for all your help in making Lucy's Year 12 Ball a wonderful time to remember.
Happy Monday to everyone.
Bev C

Sunday, March 21, 2010

"Hearts" and no Friday Night Sew-In.


I have finished the second row for the quilt Anita and are I doing. February's theme for the blocks was "Hearts" with Valentines Day falling in February I thought this was an appropriate theme. You may be wondering why I have a big tick on the first block,well that is the logo the Heart Foundation puts on foods that are good for us. If we see that on a food we know the Heart Foundation has given it the tick of approval. There are some great recipe ideas on the Heart Foundation website. Check it out.

Another block had the "Ace of Hearts" after all we have all played cards and wanted the Ace to win.

The final block was a lovely stitchery that Darlene did for the member of Snickerdoodle Dreams.

Here it is all joined together. For March for our blocks the theme is Green/Trees. With St Patrick's day just gone I wonder if I will have a few Shamrocks to put onto one of them.

I never managed to join in the Friday Night Sew-In this month as I had to undergo some day surgery on Friday at the local Hospital. I spent Thursday preparing for the surgery by having to drink a litre of some salty tasting fluids then 3 tablets then later on I had 3 litres of the most vile tasting stuff I have ever tasted which made me very sick. I had managed to drink 2 litres but that 2nd litre took so long to drink and there was no way I was able to drink the last litre. Luckily Ian rang the hospital to see if it was alright if I didn't drink it. Thankfully they said no!!!!Plus I wasn't able to eat anything only drink clear fluids. The surgery went well and they didn't find anything so will have some more surgery later on. Hopefully the prep for that will be different hopefully. All is back to normal now after sleeping most of Friday afternoon and having a Nana nap yesterday. We did have a very full day yesterday with a house full of visitors coming and going but more will be revealed on tomorrows "Makes Me Happy" posting.

I hope you all enjoy your weekend.

Happy days.

Bev C

Monday, March 15, 2010

"Makes Me Happy Monday" Number 11.


Happy Monday to you all. I just love doing these postings. There is always so much to be happy about. These postings really get you thinking. It is always interesting to read the other bloggers and there thoughts on what is making them happy. This past week I have had a couple of things that have really made me happy. The first one would have to be that my "Crow Quilt" was published in the latest edition of Australian Homespun No.82 Volume 11.3. That really made everyone happy here at Kainga on Friday,we even celebrated with a special tea from a local restaurant.
A few days prior to that I received a envelope with my pattern that I had ordered from Paula. Paula was kind enough to pop an extra pattern called "Jacks on Six" which has Sunflowers in it. I can't wait to get started on these. Thanks so much Paula you made me happy on a Wednesday.I made the ceramic jug way back in 1996,in the days I used to go to ceramics once a week.

With the arrival of Autumn the roses are having a wonderful time in the garden. I picked this posy of roses this morning. They are called "St Cecilia" it is a David Austin rose from 1987. It has deeply cupped blooms of soft buff-pink with a hint of apricot,paling with age. The flowers are help upon gracefully arching stems. It has a strong myrrh fragrance. The perfume is presently making my kitchen smell just beautiful.
I hope you all have a "Happy Monday" and a fantastic week.
Happy days.
Bev C

Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Hearts" Cross Stitch Sampler.


I have just finished stitching the "Stitching Challenge" for February. Yes I know a few days late but it is all done and dusted now. Our theme for February was Hearts. I chose to do some cross stitch. I started off following a pattern but quickly ditched it and looked through several of my cross stitch books and got different ideas. I made it up as I went along- no great master plan.

As with all our monthly stitching challenges we have to use what we have on hand. I had the packet of Aida Cloth in my cupboard for many years. The button I bought a few months back intending to use it in a cushion. Unfortunately the project involved wool felt which is not available here locally. So that project was put aside.
I love the little verse that is at the bottom of the sampler.Tomorrow I will give it a good wash and press and take it to the framer. This months "Stitching Challenge" involves a Rabbit. I wonder what Anita and I will come up with.
Happy Stitching.
Bev C

Monday, March 8, 2010

"Makes Me Happy Monday" Number 10.


Wow! we are up to week ten already. For this weeks dose of happiness I have chosen our home grown apples. I am so happy that I can head out the back door and pick organic produce that we have grown. Just look at the apple I picked this morning complete with a ladybird near the centre of it.
I love the fact that no sprays at all have been used on these trees.

I think this little apple tree has done a great job surviving the summer heat and producing some lovely fruit. Apples need a cold chilling season for the fruit to set. We certainly do get some cold winters here.
What is making you happy this fine Monday?
Happy days.
Bev C

Friday, March 5, 2010



Well we have been blessed with some cooler weather which means I can sew with the window open and a breeze blowing on my back. I haven't felt a cool breeze for a while so I managed to get a fair amount of sewing done yesterday. I joined up the first row of the row-block of the month which Anita and I are doing. "Chooks" was the theme for our first row. I appliqued 4 chooks.
Then I added a block that had our favourite Chicken Recipes. I wonder what is in the pot?

And to add a bit of quirkiness to the quilt I copied from my old CWA (Country Women's Association) recipe book which also has a handy hints section at the end of the book the recipe for curing scaly legs on poultry. It may come in handy one day!!!

So that is what the first row looks like. It is going to be quite a big quilt. The next rows theme is hearts which I will work on today. This months theme is green/trees with St Patrick's Day coming up this month there could even be something to do with him. The possibilities are endless.
I hope you all have a lovely relaxing weekend and get to do something you love.
Happy days.
Bev C

Monday, March 1, 2010

"Makes Me Happy" Number 9


Happy Monday to you on this first day of Autumn and a public holiday here for Labour Day. Yay Summer is over though I know we have some hot weather ahead of us in the next few days and probably more during the month. My "Makes Me Happy" this week is our pool. Ian and Lucy built this about two and a half years ago. It has been the best thing to be able to step out the back and take a dip. This Summer has been the hottest and driest on record-no rain. Temperatures well above 40 degrees Celsius
for days on end. So our pool has been my best friend even if sometimes I have only managed to get a dip in late in the day.I will continue to have a swim for the next month or so. So on this public holiday Monday I am going to go and have a swim before it gets to hot outside.
"Happy Monday"
Bev C