Monday, June 7, 2010

"Makes Me Happy Monday" Number 23.


Happy Monday to you all. It is a long weekend here we are celebrating Foundation Day. There is lots to "Make Me Happy" this Monday. Today we had lunch for David. He turned 19 yesterday. You gotta love the candle we found for him to blow out. No longer do we have those fiddly little birthday candles,we go for the big candle. The one we have on hand in case the power goes out. David still couldn't blow this one out!!!! A tiny flame was left,he thought he had blown it out. His Gran made the cake for him.
It is also the weekend we celebrate shifting into our home here at Kainga. Nine years ago we came. The idea was to plant a garden so I could just go out and pick flowers for the table all through out the year. So far the plan has worked. Look what I picked today. There is always some patchwork on the table as well.

Kainga is lovely and warm today. The fire has been on though we sat outside for lunch.
I think having a fire is the best warmth. Our fire has a 2 speed fan attached to it. So in the morning when Ian gets up he warms up the room super quick.

There are lots of veggies out in the garden. I planted these Pak Choy from seeds that my Mum gave me. She collected them from some she grew in 2007. I found the seeds recently and was glad that they decided to grow for me.

What good would it be if Kainga didn't have a chook to lay a egg a day for us. We are down to this one chook. She did have three friends but they have gone to chook heaven. Next time I buy some chooks I will be buying a old fashioned breed.
So lots has happened in the last nine years since we built our home. I don't know how many holes we have dug for plants and fence posts. I know we have built a gazebo and put up a pool. The good thing is here at Kainga we always have a go at doing it ourselves. This may give you a bad back but we are the ones who sit down at the end of the day and look around us and can proudly say "We did this"
Happy Monday to you all.
Bev C


  1. Happy Birthday to your son and Happy Monday to you.

  2. Happy Birthday to David and I loved the candle! Lots of wonderful things to be happy about. Happy Monday to you Bev xx

  3. Oh Bev, how wonderful what you and your Husband have done and wishing you and your family many more wonderful years there. Love your candle and again Happy Birthday to David. Pak Choy is on of my favorites to grow and easy too. Just need to keep those pest of the garden away, the white moth. have a wonderful day and I alway enjoy your posts.

    Bobbie Lynn

  4. happy birthday to the handsome boy there... And happy monday to u all! i kept thinking it was friday though.. haha...

  5. Glad you had a lovely day for David's birthday. He's lucky his Nan made him a nice B/D cake, great candle. LOL

  6. Bev, that Pak Choy didn't decide to grow for you - it was too scared not to! I can't imagine anything having the hide to not thrive in your garden.
    What a lovely looking lad David is! (I might be old but I still appreciate good looks!)
    So Happy Birthday to David!
    And, as usual, you have brightened my Monday.

  7. Hi Bev, I hope David had a lovely birthday...and wow! 9 years. Seems to have not been that long ago you moved into your new home. I hope your 1 chooks gets some new friends soon. Kind regards, Anita.

  8. Live sounds good at Kainga.
    What a handsome birthday boy.

  9. What a special Mondag for you it was and congratulations with David's birthday. How sweet of his grandma to bake the cake. And I love how you use a big candle. I think Thijme would have the same problem with blowing the candle!

  10. Belated Happy Birthday to David. Hope he had wonderful day.

    oh, I soooooo miss the pak choy. Haven't seen it here around unless if we go to the city and to one of the asian store.

    Happy weekend!


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