Monday, November 8, 2010

"Makes Me Happy Monday" number 45.


Happy Monday to you. I can't believe how fast the last week has gone let alone the year. I am so happy today because yesterday Ian and I went for a drive yesterday to get some chickens. We had seen an advertisement in the paper that said they had every variety of poultry. Well they certainly weren't wrong. When we turned up to buy the chickens we discovered a whole yard full of geese ducks roosters and hens of every variety under the sun. There was even a dog that rounded them up. Mind you I was ready to put one of the geese in the Christmas pot. I walked past it and talked nicely to it and it quickly bit my leg. Luckily I had jeans on though I am sporting a lovely purple bruise. Thanks goosey. We asked the lady for chickens that would survive the heat. She suggested we go for one with white feathers. So we came home with three "White Leghorns"

They have survived there first night. We went up to the yard this morning and noticed that something had been scratching near the fence trying to get it. I don't know if it was a fox or dog. Lets hope they stay safe.

I was also very happy on Friday when I purchased the 10th Birthday Celebration Special Collector's Edition of Australian Homespun.

It was a real surprise to see a photo of  the scented bags I made earlier on in the year. I can still remember buying the first edition of Australian Homespun.

Now this week I must get onto some sewing. I have spent a fair bit of time in the garden lately, which is always good fun.

Hope you all have a Happy Monday.
Bev C


  1. Oh, geese are nasty like that sometimes, I remember getting chased by geese when I was little and they really scared me. I enjoyed this post, thanks for sharing.

  2. My Gran kept white leghorns and was known around the district for her eggs. And all hell broke loose if a fox got into the pen and got one!! My grandfather and uncles got no sleep at night, being despatched to lay in wait for the culprit to come visiting again. I hope yours are as good layers as hers were and don't turn into a crazy woman if something breaks in.
    Love your little bags - well deserved fame!!

  3. Hope you chooks stay safe.What a nasty goose.
    Hope you get a lot of sewing done.

  4. Geese can be very aggressive, the horrible thing! Great weather for gardening here too. Have fun! Maybe there's a post coming with some pics from your garden???

  5. Lovely bags and nice that they have brought you fame. heehee.
    I sure hope nothing gets into you chickens. Sometimes I wake with a fright in the middle of the night trying to remember if I've shut mine in!

  6. Happy Monday Bev... Hope your chickens bring you lots of joy and eggs!! and hope they are safe. Congrats on being in the mag.. I am still waiting to receive my copy! Have a great week xx

  7. Hi Bev. I love chickens too and have four of them. They are "my girls"! I saw your little bags in Homespun but didn't realise they were yours. They look lovely. I've made six of them so far! They're so cute, aren't they? Hugs, Christine

  8. Seeing your things in Homespun is exciting Bev - congratulations.

  9. I hope your leg is ok and your chickens don't get attacked.
    Nice that you are featured in Homespun again...might have to get that copy.

  10. Wow, your very own chickens! Soon you will have your very own eggs! Yummy fresh eggs for breakie - Enjoy Nat

  11. Love your chooks Bev - have you named them? Hope you get lots of lovely eggs. Our next door neighbours have chickens and I think they are the most spoilt birds in the country but they bring them lots of pleasure so they deserve to be spoilt :0)

    Congratulations on getting featured - isn't that great! Well done you.

    Have a super Monday and a great week.
    Lots of hugs
    Shell x

  12. So many wonderful things to be happy about today! Those white leghorns looks so fluffy and pretty. What a fun adventure. Congrats on having your bags in that magazine! That is so cool. Enjoy your sewing this week.

  13. we have 3 chicks now about 3-4 weeks old.......I love them..........enjoy your you have foot netting in the ground around the chook cage........

  14. So neat that you have a chicken coop. Hope they will be safe out there. That is so great that you are featured in your favorite magazine. Way to go Bev. : ) I think your Pink posting last Friday is my favorite. Love pink and you have some pretty pink roses.
    Have a great day Bev

  15. Congratulations Bev on making the magazine!!! I thought that was you when I saw the article...Dzintra♥x


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