Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sewing results, a big egg and some "Seduction."


How did your Friday night go with the Sew-In? I managed to get quite a bit done. I love doing things by hand so I spent my time button holing the cat shapes on the blocks.

I am using some of that lime green and the white fabric I got from the Good Sammy's store earlier on in the month. The cats need some noses and there will be buttons for there eyes,which will be sewn on after it is all quilted. Another successful Friday-Night-Sew-In.

Now that our three chooks are laying we are getting two or three eggs each day. One of them has a rest every so often. Just look at the egg she lays. We have got a couple like this,it weights 80 grams. No wonder she needs a day of every now and again.

Now we couldn't have a post without a rose. This one is called "Seduction"  It didn't have a label on the bush but I have just spent half an hour looking through my books and I am pretty sure this is what it is called. These are the tiny buds,the petals change a bit according to the weather. It is always in  bloom.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Happy days.
Bev C


  1. The cat quilt is progressing well and looks great.
    The large egg ... ouch!

  2. Love the cats Bev. I just used the cat pattern on my latest tote bag :)
    That is one big egg! The rose is a gorgeous shade of pink.

  3. Bev the pussy cats are cute and love your rose,its beauitful

  4. The cats are coming together so well... such fun... I wonder how much it hurts to lay those huge eggs... I do feel sorry for chooks sometimes.... but I love their eggs!! Lovely rose...

  5. Think if I was your chook I'd need a rest for a week...LOL!! Nice work on your Friday night sew in!!

  6. Your cats look gorgeous!
    I think if I was your chook I'd be getting my union in to negotiate at least three days off after that sort of productivity. lol

  7. I think I'd need the day off too! lol

    Great results for FNSI, wish I'd been able to join in too.

  8. Hi your cat quilt...I should really get back into the Friday night sew-in....haven't done that since last year sometime...Boy look at that egg!!! You have a wonderful weekend too...Dzintra

  9. Your cat quilt is looking brilliant - love the bright colours. Yeay for the chooks (those are big eggs!)

    The Rose is beautiful and how lovely that it is always in bloom.

  10. Busy as always, huh, Bev? Love your cats, they always look so cheerful. Maybe you should try a few chooks to pay tribute for that huge egg??

  11. Beautiful rose Bev. What a feast of felines you've got going there. Your poor's a wonder she doesn't need a panadol and a good lie down. Thats some egg!

  12. Hi Bev, the only thing better than FNSI is listening to rain on the roof! Unless you you have!! Love the cat quilt, can't wait to see it finished.. One of our chooks is laying a whopper too!! xx

  13. I love your cats Bev...they are very cute :) A bit amazed by the size of that egg...your poor chook deserves a day off here and there, I think!


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