Monday, June 27, 2011

"Happy Monday"- introducing "The Big Girls Eye Spy" Quilt.


Happy Monday everyone. I haven't been on the computer much this last week. Too busy working with gloves. Garden gloves Oven Mitts and Quilting Gloves were put to great use over the last week. I even managed a trip to Needle Ny-dle Noo. I was in heaven there,lots of threads and embroidery supplies that aren't available locally. I purchased threads for some cross stitch projects I want to work on and of course while I was there I picked out another one and got the supplies for that as well.

The quilt that is making me "Happy this Monday" is one I want to introduce you to.

This is the "Big Girls Eye Spy" Quilt. I had sewing on Friday so was able to spend the day getting the quilting finished.

I had already quilted a quarter of an inch inside the triangles and decided it needed a bit extra. So I stitched in the ditch along the edges of each third row. It certainly makes for a interesting pattern which shows up so well on the back of the quilt. I used some floral material and the calico I got from Good Sam's last month for the backing. The only thing I needed to purchase was the wadding.

So I am extremely happy to have a quilt started and finished in a short time. What  is making you Happy this Monday?

Happy days.
Bev C


  1. Beautiful quilt. Love all the colours you've used. They work well together. Happy Stitching,

  2. I love it... so bright and cheery and a great scrap buster quilt... well done Bev xxx

  3. I love it! I do love a scrappy quilt....makes my heart happy.

  4. Your quilt is very nice well done.

  5. Good job Bev!!! Making me happy this Monday...we just had the most beautiful sunny day...enough to make you smile...Happy monday to you...Dzintra

  6. Just looking at that quilt cheers me up, Bev.

  7. This looks wonderful. What a great quilt. And so it should make you happy!!

  8. It looks fantastic, well done!
    I love all the different fabrics.

  9. Great quilting and it looks lovley finished and hanging on the fence.
    Enjoy your new stitcherys.

  10. Bev well done your quilt looks fantastic

  11. You've certainly been a busy bee this week! The quilt looks great, I *heart* scrappy quilts! I wonder what you're up to this week!

  12. Bev, you a the Wonder Woman of stitchery! That's a beautiful quilt. It's making me happy this Monday, too!

  13. That's gorgeous Bev, I love scrappy quilts... If I wasn't on a mission to finish so many of mine I would start one immediately..xx

  14. What a wonderful quilt! I love the directional blocks with those strips. So fun to look at all those different colors and prints. Congrats on having such a fast finish! THis is a great way to start off the week. Coffee is making me happy this Monday morning!

  15. Bev, your newest quilt is so cute. I have boxes and boxes of strips and bits, I'm inspired to try one too.

  16. It's beautiful. I think it's always nice to have a project come together quickly.

  17. oh, Bev, it is stunning, I love it!!!! It turned out fabulously!
    Stay safe and dry in the storm tomorrow!
    Jen xoxo

  18. Such a beautiful cheerful quilt Bev.

  19. Hi Bev,
    Wow, another quilt. Love the way it turned out. What makes me happy this Monday? We are finally having some summer weather. My Summer garden is coming along.
    Have a great day.

  20. I love it Bev... it looks wonderful.... one of the nicest strip quilts I have seen....well done

  21. Can't imagine how much the quilt may take but the result is great!

  22. wow! looks beautiful. Well done, Bev.

  23. What a great quilt. I love scrappy quilts.... and yours is so happy and bright and (best of all) finished!!! Well done xx

  24. A lovely quilt. Great way using scraps.


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