Thursday, June 2, 2011



I hope you are having a great day. I have been busy embroidering the blocks for the "Catnip" quilt.

I just have the whiskers to go. The feet for the birds are cut out and ready to go. I will attach these when the blocks are joined together so the feet don't disappear into the seam. I will now work on the Sawtooth Star blocks. I have done three mystery blocks as well. These are something that weren't in the original pattern. I finished them yesterday and they are very cute. You will have to wait until it is together to see what they are.

Now I need your help please. I recently( the 10th of May) put in a order for some books from Almond Grove Craft in South Australia. I know there actual shop is closed and they are having a clearance of goods on there website. I received a email to say that my order was taken but I haven't heard anything since. I presume this email was an automated one. I have sent a couple of emails to see what is happening but I haven't heard anything. I was wondering if anyone knows if they are still operating or are on holiday etc. I really love the books I ordered and would love to get them. I have just tried the web page again and it seems to have gone. Any information would be appreciated.

Happy days.
Bev C


  1. A just love this pattern and plan to make it myself this year. Your quilt is going to be wonderful.

  2. Very cute blocks Bev!
    PS Just love your new header!!!!!

  3. Your new header is lovely Bev and I love the cat and bird blocks - it's such a cool pattern. I'm sorry I know nothing about the book company but I hope yours arrive soon.

  4. I can't wait to see the finished quilt, Bev! I am not a cat person, but this quilt...
    I hope you are soon able to figure out what happened to your books!
    Have a lovely Thursday. The sun is shining in my face while writing this. Lovely!

  5. I really like the look of your blocks so far. I can't wit to get stsrted on my when we go to Avolon in July.
    Hope you get your order sorted soon.
    Nice new header Bev.

  6. Looks like lots of progress being made. Your blocks are looking good!!

  7. Cute project! I can just see making something like this for my kitties, and they would continue to lay on my clothes. Love the colors you're working with.

  8. your cat quilt is going to be amazing. so cute!
    can't help re the books I'm afraid.

  9. Hi Bev,
    Love your new header... and your kitty quilt..
    Sorry I can't help with your query, I hope someone can..xx

  10. They look great Bev! Can't wait to see it all finished. Hope you are enjoying your long weekend!
    Jen xoxo

  11. Wow Bev! I love what you are doing witht the kitty kats. Can't wait to see the finished quilt! toni xxx


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