Thursday, August 25, 2011

Nature knows best.


I hope you are having a wonderful day. The sun is shining here, a perfect day in the making.

On the weekend I was deadheading "The Duchesse" and I was surprised to find a nest which had only just been made recently. I know this because a rose was blooming through the nest. Well yesterday I went to check the nest and a little bird flew out and look what is inside it.

Two little eggs. I wonder how long before they hatch. We also have a pair of Willy Wagtails building a nest on the patio out the back. Spring is certainly in the air.

Now if a bird can make such a perfect nest why is it that I have trouble with patchwork sometimes. I received a pattern for a tablecloth and table runner  and some fabric from
Vickie last year. I had trouble matching some of the sections together. When I first sewed the bias triangles two corners did not meet up at all. So I unpicked and unpicked and tried again. This time I must have sewn  things a bit tight or something, as things were not lying flat. I even left the table runner under a pile of magazines and books to see if that would help. Of course as soon as the books were removed up popped the triangle sections again. The only thing to do was unpick again.

The triangle sections were left out in the end, though I did end up using most of the fabric Vickie gave me so that is a bonus. I actually like the blocks and think they would make a great quilt pattern. You can't see much of the design in the photo but you can see the "You Go Girl" Table runner and Tablecloth here.

Of course all this unpicking has made me tired so I had better go and have a cuppa.

Happy days.
Bev C


  1. not much fun unpicking but it is worth it in the end.
    the little nest looks lovely, so dainty and delicate

  2. It has turned out really pretty despite all the unpicking:O) And it looks like you a the sweetest spot for a cuppa!

  3. What a beautiful little nest. What a lovely spot for a cup of tea, shame you had to do horrible unpicking.

  4. Exquisite Bev! The unpicker and I are well acquainted too.

  5. Oh it is so special to see the little nest with the eggs in.What sort of birds are they Bev?
    Willy's make such great nests and seem to go back there each year.

    GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! I always seem to do a lot of unpicking too.

  6. How special, to find those eggs!
    And glad you unpicked the tablerunner. It looks beautiful there!

  7. It looks lovely. Maybe you were meant to take those parts out!

  8. What precious find! Glad you had a nice day. It's gorgeous here too - Hugs Nat

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi Bev...I've had to unpick things too...again, and again...and again!!! That cuppa looks enticing along with the books...Happy Reading...Dzintra

  11. Hello Bev,
    That is a surprise to find and how precious in deed. What beautiful fabric you used on your table runner. Love anything with roses and flowers. They seem to brighting up a table. Thanks for sharing with us and hope you did a lot of ready and relaxing. Unpicking is a lot of work.
    Bobbie Lynn

  12. I am always amazed at nature when finding a perfectly constructed birds nest, especially one with eggs in it. What a great find! Sorry to hear about your unpicking! That can be frustrating, but it will be worth all the work when your beautiful pieced is finished and ready for show.

  13. Oh it is so lovely to find such special spring treats in the garden.... hope you get to see the hatchlings.... unpicking is a pain... but worth it for the result...

  14. It is amazing how simply perfect bird's nests are! your work is lovely - so glad I paid a visit!

  15. Hi Bev,
    It is a beautiful day here in Vic too. Almost spring time, my favorite time of the year..
    Where would we be without quick un-picks!!

  16. Hi Bev,

    So glad you stopped by my blog reminded me to put you on my blogroll. I love having a friend so far away!


  17. My hubby and I love to see the wonders of nature and each year we have barn swallows build a nest in the upper corner of our carport. We can watch them from the kitchen door window.

    Unpicking is not fun and I have a little project that needs unpicking too. I tried to see if hiding the mistakes would work, but it just can't be hid, so I will get out my handy dandy seam ripper and start picking out the threads.

  18. To unpick once is annoying but to unpick twice is just hard work. The runner has turned out beautiful though. The bird's nest looks so neat. It is amazing how they get it all to stick together.


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