Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"Tuesday's Treasures."

Hello and Welcome to Tuesday's Treasures.

Today I have lots of treasures to share.

 The sunflower smiling in the back yard.

 Stocks in the front yard.

 Bunches of fresh Lavender,books and tea cup,some crochet I did a few years back and a bag of buttons I purchased this morning from Good Sammy's.

 A rainbow out the front on Sunday morning. Look how close it got. I just wish it stayed long enough for me to go and get the pot of gold.

And most importantly I am treasuring the inventor of the Quick un pick!!!! I am not sure who this person was but I did find this information about the American Patent Holder.

Hope you have lots of treasure at your home. Please visit Melody and see what she and the other bloggers are treasuring today.

Happy days.
Bev C


  1. Wow that rainbow is really close!
    Always love a bright sunflower ... they're magnificent the way the follow the sun.

  2. What lovely flower pictures.... and your rainbow is so lovely behind the garden.... waht a brilliant picture... and as for the quick unpick... sadly I'd be lost without it....

  3. A fabulous post. We had a rainbow really close a couple of weeks ago and it was exciting. Lovely garden photos too.

  4. I can't wait for things to start happening in my garden. I love seeing your sunflower and stocks!!
    Beautiful rainbow, too!

  5. What an interesting assortment of treasures. Love the flowers, they always bring a smile don't they.

  6. Lovely treasures for you this Tuesday (o:

  7. PS: I don't quite get the last picture and what you wrote about it, with the link.

  8. Loving the rainbow - have enjoyed a few here in the past month.
    You sunflower is amazing.

  9. What divine treasures you are sharing this week.
    That sunflower is gorgeous, so are your other treasures :-)

  10. Lovely sunflower and the capturing of the rainbow is beautiful...oh how we all wish for that pot of gold!

  11. I would so love to see your garden Bev, it must be beautiful.. mine is so neglected! I remember trying to find the end of the rainbow when I was a child... never ever got there!!

  12. What a wonderful selection of things to treasure today! That sunflower is gorgeous, as are the rest of your flowers. How amazing to catch a rainbow with your camera.

  13. Your Sunflower is amazing.I love the smell of Stocks.
    What a wonderful photo of the rainbow over your garden.

  14. Very fine treasures indeed. Always love to see your happy sunflowers and the rainbow is quite magical. Have a lovely week Bev :0)

  15. Lots of treasures Bev...and wow that rainbow shot is just perfect!!! Dzintra

  16. I love all your treasure Bev and I have always loved the smell of stocks too. Your garden is gorgeous and I love the photo of the rainbow over your garden. Lovely lavender...great minds think a like. LOL!
    Michelle xx

  17. Just dropped by to wish you a happy weekend. Love that rainbow and your pretty flowers! blessings,Kathleen

  18. Oh how I love your big sunflower!! My mum used to live in Brookton and she has a large one too that used to greet her every morning out the kitchen window!! And your lavender - ahhhh!! do you grow that too Bev? I saw Sunday's rainbow too, wasn't it beautiful (and obviously much bigger than we think!!) and last but not least, yes the wonderful invention, that thing no sewer can live without, the beloved quick unpick!! All treasures that certainly bring blessings to your life!!!
    Hugs to you!


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