Monday, October 31, 2011

"Makes Me Happy Monday"

Hello and a very Happy Monday to you.

We have just had a three day weekend. So that meant with the beautiful Spring weather we have been having we spent it out in the garden. Lots of tidying up. Ian trimmed the Tagaste hedge on the verge and I think I have just about pulled out 98% of the weeds. Though next weekend we will probably be still doing that. October has seen us have the same amount of rainfall as we have in July which is our wettest month.

I am extremely happy that the Foxgloves I planted have reached the stage where they have started blooming. I planted them in a different garden bed this year. In the past they have been complete failures. So getting them to bloom is making me very happy indeed.


Our hydroponic tomatoes are coming along well. The plants were potted into bigger pots about a fortnight ago and we have moved them into a fibreglass pond that we have.

Our first Hydroponic Tomato

Very happy to see that lovely red tomato all ready for picking. It will be interesting to see if there is much difference in taste compared to ones grown in soil. 

"Windsor" Sweet Pea.

The "Windsor" Sweet Pea is blooming as well. It goes so well with the Gaura that is in the background. Looking forward to saving the seeds of the peas. Some Sweet Peas I got of a lady from Garden Club a few years back have decided to come up in the garden after a few years absence. These ones are bright red and beautifully perfumed. Funny thing is they are no where I had the original lot planted. This I guess is one of the joys of gardening, there are always surprises to find.

Sometime today the world's seven billionth person is going to born. Can you believe that number.

Whatever you do today I hope it makes you happy.

Happy days.
Bev C


  1. lovely post Bev,have a great day.

  2. lucky you having a long weekend.... loved the garden pictures... I wish our grandie was the 7 billionth baby but it looks like he/she doesn't feel like arriving just yet!!

  3. Your tomato plants look great Bev, hope mine look like that soon :O)The sweet pea is a gorgeous colour!

  4. Hi Bev, I enjoyed your post...I love foxgloves...homegrown tomatoes..and sweet pea's.Hugs, O'faigh

  5. Such a happy post. Your garden must look wonderful with so much loving care. That tomato looks so yummy. Sweet peas always remember me of Australia.

  6. I love foxgloves. Yours is beautiful. The tomato is looking good. I usually don't win the fight against the bugs so I haven't tried them for a while now. Glad you are having a happy Monday.

  7. aI would be happy too if I had such a beautiful Foxglove.
    Oh the tomatoes will be yummy I am sure.
    Oh I do love Sweet Peas.

  8. Oh beautiful flowers Bev.. and I can almost taste your tomatoes. Yum ! :)

  9. Happy gardening and Happy Monday. Love those foxgloves-enjoy your three days weekend - Hugs Nat

  10. I so love visiting your garden,lovley foxgloves and i am pleased you had seccess when planting in another bed..oh that tomato looks juicy,cheers Vickie

  11. Happy Monday Bev... I was out in the vegie garden today.. no tomatoes though... not even a baby plant planted!! Love your foxglove...

  12. Oh I love sweet peas and your tomatoes are perfect... The foxglove is just gorgeous.. Love all your gardening photos Bev.. Happy Monday x

  13. Wow, beautiful day in your garden today! I adore foxgloves, and always forget to plant those too, in addition to sunflowers. Not sure what hydroponic tomatoes are, but they look tasty.

  14. Every thing looks so pretty! blessings,Kathleen

  15. What a Happy Monday post all the gardening you are doing...especially the foxgloves!!!

  16. Your foxgloves and sweetpeas are SO pretty! Your tomato plants look healthy too! I've heard of hydroponic gardening, but have never tried it. Let us know if you notice a difference in the taste or not. I'm curious.

  17. Lovely garden pictures, I love foxglove too and that photo really shows of the patterns on the.


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