Monday, November 28, 2011

"Makes Me Happy Monday."

Hello and a very Happy Monday to you.

I had a lovely weekend and I hope you did as well.

Onto what is making me happy today. Just look at the lovely lot of crochet thread and a hook from Marina. Some crocheting is on the cards over Summer. Thank you so much Marina, appreciate it so much.

I picked up the "Welcome" cross stitch from the framers last week. Please ignore the image of the woman taking the photo in the glass.Didn't realise it until I had it loaded up.

Today I finished the last Christmas Stitchery. I made this one into a table topper.  I had fun making little tassels from the DMC thread for his scarf. I machine embroidered the words "It's 45 degrees here- I need a cold drink" We haven't got the climate for a Snowmen to survive let alone exist. I think I should have added a "coldie" in his hand!!!

I hope you have a "Happy Monday" and all the best for the week. I wonder what is making you happy today.

Happy days.
Bev C


  1. Lovely work Bev. You'll have some fantastic finishes for Xmas.

  2. great projects Bev,love your welcome stitchery

  3. Happy to contribute to keeping those hands busy!
    Your cross stitch looks fantastic. Just looks lovely framed.
    that topper is so cute. I always think Snowmen are out of place here too but yours is perfect.

  4. I agree i think he should a coldie...but very fitting for our very warm weather

  5. Your cross stitch is gorgeous Bev.. And I love your snowman stitchery, especially the words!!

  6. Your Welcome cross stitch looks great. What a lovely addition to your home. I do like the Christmas stitchery, too, all ready for the 25th.

  7. Beautiful work Bev. I always enjoy see your creative work. Have a wonderful day.

  8. Always happy to hear you've had a nice weekend! Lovely stitchery and crochet thread from your friend. Looks like you are enjoying productive days with by finishing that table topper - how festive and lovely. Happy Monday to you too!

  9. Love the cross stitch and the stitchery table topper.. and now you are going to add crochet to your lovely work!!...

  10. Poor hot snowman, great post tho'.

  11. Love that welcome design. It looks beautiful!

  12. Hello Bev, enjoyed catching up with your post.......gorgeous Welcome Stitchery...Hugs O'faigh

  13. Lots of beautiful stitching and isn't Marina a sweetie.


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