Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Thank you Mr Singer"


Today I want to share a treasure with you which hangs on the wall in my sewing room.

As soon as I see this picture my feet start moving up and down like I was treadling away on the machine.

To see more Treasure's check out Melody's blog.

Happy days.
Bev C


  1. It's lovely Bev and would be lovely to see each day in your sewing room....where would we all be without Mr Singer???? Great Treasure.

  2. Is lovely! I learned how to sew in a Singer like this! I still remember when my grandma warned me don't go backwards because the needle would break! Real treasure!


    (sorry about my bad english)

  3. What a gorgeous and appropriate picture for a sewing room. Thank you so much for sharing today.

  4. A lovely picture Bev, I love my old Singer machine, I don't use it much, but I love looking at it.Cheers R.

  5. what a lovely pic Bev,truly a lovely treasure.

  6. I have my Grandmothers Treadle and that picture reminds me of when she tried to teach me to sew on it. Thanks for sharing such a great treasure.

  7. Hi Bev, I would love a real Singer treadle machine... can you imagine sitting outside under a tree patching and quilting... bliss...

  8. A beautiful picture! Hope you are having a good week.

  9. Hello Bev, love your picture...is made out of tin????? my sister has a beautiful cream sewing box...with a similar picture...hugs O'faigh

  10. Gorgeous picture Bev. Have you ever used a treadle machine?
    Have a great weekend!

  11. It is a lovely picture. My mum had a sewing machine like that and it brings back memories.


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