Saturday, January 21, 2012

"A start on the cross stitch, and some Summer reading."


The television is on the  Australian OpenTennis, it will be all weekend. Lucy and Ian are going to the cricket later on today. Perth Scorchers are playing, it is a sell out. So I will be home watching tennis and doing my cross stitch. Last year I had planned to get into cross stitch in June. Well June has well and truly gone, didn't get to mark that one of the list!!! So this year there was no procrastination. Well a little!!! You see I have always worked on Aida cloth when doing cross stitch. So I dived in the deep end and I am working on even weave linen. I am loving it. I had a dud needle that came with the kit. So after battling with it,yesterday I found my packet of new tapestry needles and I am enjoying it so much better.

It is a Sampler and is quite big. The final measurements will be 44cm by 45cm. So I guess I will be working on this for a while. There are lots of pink and greens in this pattern.

I have been looking at lots of blogs that do cross stitch, gosh they are inspirational but I think I should be stitching instead of looking.

Summer time means lots of reading for me. I love a great range of books. I picked up an Autobiography the other week by Clarrisa Dickson Wright. You may remember  her from the television show "Two Fat Ladies" There was so much information in this book and I  highly recommend this book. I picked it up from our local library.

I also ordered in this book which is a very easy read, especially as this edition was in large print. Lots of home hints and recipes for cleaning products. Wendyl has a  weekly newsletter which is very interesting.

Lucy and I had to go to Perth yesterday. So after attending to what  needed doing we went to the movies to watch "The Descendants". Gosh it was a great movie but if you intend going please take a hankie. It is rather sad.

I hope you all have a great weekend doing something you love.

Happy days.
Bev C


  1. your cross stitching looks great, a lot more complicated than my little pin cushions.
    Mine were my first attempts at using the linens and I love them too. Easier to use than I thought!

  2. Hi Bev.its going to be a lovely sampler,well done.xx

  3. Lovely stitching and the book sounds wonderful! blessings,Kathleen

  4. I am sure your sampler cross stitch will be lovely when finished.
    Enjoy the read.

  5. Your stitchery looks great so far. Will watch it's progress with delight! :)

  6. Looking forward to seeing more of your cross stitch... I plan to do one this year too but maybe not quite so big ;o)

  7. Really a great creation. You done your work very smoothly, the all pins are perfect. The creation that you have make is shows a good experience about Cross Stitch Fabric.

  8. Lovely cross stitch Bev. I loved The Decendants too it was a great movie.

  9. so pretty... it will be lovely ..

  10. Hi Bev,
    Love your sampler and it will be lovely when you finish. That book looks mighty interesting too!! Enjoy your quiet day today.
    Regards, Anita.

  11. Great start Bev. Very neat stitches. It is going to be a lovely stitchery

  12. I love stitching cross stitch on linen. Your work is beautiful.

  13. sounds like a busy weekend! your stitching project looks adorable. And those little scissors - how sweet! Enjoy these days!

  14. Oh Bev I intended to finish a cross stitch last year but just never got to a lot of other things because of my broken arm...can you believe it is still healing!!! I love cross stitch...will make an effort this year...Happy Stitching...


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