Monday, July 30, 2012

"Seven Signs of Happiness."


Happy Monday.

Last week I was given a lovely surprise from FarahLin. Please visit and say Hi to Farah, she does a lot of hand stitching which is amazing.
Thank you Farah, now I am supposed to mention 7 things about myself. Instead I will include 7 things that have made me happy over the last few days.

1. One of the quietest weekends we have ever had. Just perfect.

2. I started a new project at sewing on Friday and have used some of the fabric I dyed with purple carrots a few weeks ago.

3.Spending Sunday in the garden, after visiting the local PCYC (Police and Citizen Youth Club) Swap Meet in the morning.

4. We have three hens that have never been out of there yard. We  have farm wire fences along the boundary so the chooks would wander too much. We tried a while back to encourage them to go out of their yard but they wouldn't go out the gate. They were institutionalised!!! It only took one of them to pluck up the courage and walk out the gate, one followed but the other one just paced back and forth and wouldn't leave the yard. Meanwhile the other two ate every earthworm in sight.

5.Finding a book I have wanted to read at the Library,  "At Home with the Templeton's" by Monica McInerney. A great Aussie author

6. Enjoying the beautiful day we had today, it got to 22.

7. Knowing that it is going to rain tomorrow.

Now I am supposed to nominate some other blogs for the Award, Seriously how am I supposed to do that, everyone that reads my blog deserves it. So please take it and do a post yourself. Spread some more Loveliness.

Today I did some more dyeing, this time I used brown onion skins. The fabric turning into a lovely mellow yellow.  I plan to use the fabric as part of a Christmas stitchery. It is so much fun making your own fabric in the colour you want. The next thing I want to dye with is red onion skins. Have you done something a little different to make you happy?

Happy Monday.
Bev C

Thursday, July 26, 2012

"In the Sewing Room."


Well, what a cold week we have had here at Kainga. Temperatures have been down to minus 4 overnight. Makes you glad that you have a roof over your head. I knew Tuesday was going to be cold so I had a PJ's day and stayed in the sewing room. I even got to try out a Machine Embroidery Disc that I bought many years ago. I found I had three more of the Waffle Cloths that my Sister Chris sent a while ago. Two were hand towels and one a face washer.

The disc was a fundraiser for the Australian Cystic Fibrosis Research Trust and is called Justin's 65 Roses.

The one with Kainga and the rose on are from Brother Embroidery Cards. I did something a little different for the edges this time. I usually crochet around but decided to bind them with fabric which will help them last. They have been put to good use in our en suite and powder room.

I have been in the sewing room the last couple of days doing some culling. After reading Terrie's post about her new magazine's I decided I had far too many. I now borrow craft and garden magazine's from the local library and since my subscription to Homespun ran out last year I haven't purchased any. I was actually looking for a small cross stitch kit but that is still not found. I have prayed to Saint Anthony but he seems to be very busy with someone else. I have decided to finished tidying up the room and maybe it will surface. I'm beginning to think I may have used it for a book marker so it could be anywhere.

If you want to make yourself feel good,  go to Google- Images "Messy Sewing Rooms."!!!!!!!

I can't use everything I make and I love surprising people with a little parcel every now and again.Remember that 4th July embroidery,  well I gave it to Bobbie Lynn along with a cross stitch. The mail to the United States is so fast I just wish parcels coming from the East Coast of Australia would be as quick.

Now I better get back to the sewing room and do some cutting out for a new project.

Happy days.
Bev C

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

"One rose says more than a dozen."


Another one of the beauties residing at Kainga. Enjoy my little Treasure.

“The rose is fairest when 'tis budding new, And hope is brightest when it dawns from fears; The roseis sweetest wash'd with morning dew, And love is loveliest when embalm'd in tears.” 


“You smell a rose through a fence: If two should smell it, what matter?” 
“The fragrance always remains in the hand that gives the rose.” 

“A single rose can be my garden . . . a single friend, my world.”

Happy days.
Bev C

Monday, July 23, 2012

"Spring Garden Cushion, Lemon Coconut Cake,etc Happy Monday."


Happy Monday,

Well I hope you had a great weekend. Ours was definitely a case of taking the good with the bad.

Last night I completed the Spring Garden project. I decided to turn it into a cushion instead of a wall hanging. It is more practical than having to find a hanger drill a hole in the wall etc.

"Spring Garden Cushion."

 I'm pleased that I persevered with this project. In the end I didn't add all the pieces of extra flowers and the garden rake etc. These were a little out of proportion to the watering can and flower pot. Special thanks to Marj for sending this project to me. There are 24 squares and a small amount of floral fabric left over. If anyone wants these and the pattern please let me know in the comments, first in first served.

"Lemon Coconut Cake."
 Now I promised to share this delicious recipe with you. I made another one yesterday and there is only a small piece left.

Lemon Coconut Cake.

1 1/2 cups of self-raising flour
1/2 cup of desiccated coconut
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 cup milk
125grams butter,melted
grated zest of 3 lemons

11/2 cups icing sugar
1/2 cup desiccated coconut
1/2 cup lemon juice

Preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius. Grease a 20cm square cake tin.

Place sifted flour, coconut and sugar in a bowl and make a well in the centre. In a separate bowl, beat eggs,milk and melted butter and lemon zest. Pour egg mixture into the well in the dry ingredients and mix.
The mixture will be quite sloppy.

Pour mixture into the prepared cake tin and bake for 45-50 minutes.

To make icing, mix sifted icing sugar with coconut and lemon juice. Ice the cake once it is cold.

Now both times I made this I didn't worry about the icing, everyone just wanted to eat it. Plus the first time I made the cake I only put in three quarters a cup of sugar, the second time half a cup. It made no difference to the taste. I never put in the amount of sugar that recipes say, always reduce it a bit. We don't need all that extra in our diet.

Saturday morning saw Ian Lucy and I up at 4.00am to pick up David from the airport. Bonnie had to work so she stayed home. She wanted to come but I felt it was better she stayed home in case something happened and we were delayed getting back. I decided to take a book to read to fill in time on the trip down and had a little battery operated light to read by. We were a couple of km's out of town, by this time Lucy was asleep in the back and I was reading and I had just thought to myself it really is dark on the highway now there are no lights, hope we don't hit anything or anyone. A minute or so later BANG. A Kangaroo decided to jump into our car. Hitting the front of the car on my side and bouncing onto my car door. Thank heavens I was reading and didn't see it. Ian  quickly pulled over to assess the damage. The front fender had all been pushed back to the tyre. Ian pulled it back off the tyre and cut his finger. Well there was blood everywhere. Luckily I had put a First Aid Kit in the car a few weeks back. Thinking we might need it if we came across a car accident or need it ourselves. So there we were at 5.00am in the dark, cars driving by not realising we had a busted car. Of course they couldn't see the damage.I can tell you trying to find the correct bandage etc in the First Aid Kit was a hassle, thankfully Lucy was able to open the packaging. Note to the makers of these products, Please put a Pull Here Sign. We then rang Bonnie waking her up to get her to drive her car to us so she could take our car back home. By this time David had rang to say he had just landed. By the time we got to pick him up we only had to drive into the pick up area which was great.
Then it was time for a quick Breakfast at Macca's in Midland then onto Bunning's to pick up somethings we needed. We were back in town just before 9.00am so then it was time to take Ian to the hospital. He had lost feeling in the finger. Two hours at the hospital and 4 stitches on his finger, there was some metal and paintwork in the cut.  I had to smile when Ian walked out and said the Doctor doesn't sew as neatly as me.
You really don't know what life is going to bring you so I look forward to seeing if the car will be fixable or if it will be written off. If you are wondering about the Kangaroo, gone to God.

David thoroughly enjoyed his trip to Vietnam, saw lots of places,met so many people. They had booked into a hotel but booked out two days later, They weren't meeting people, though the hotel was lovely. So they booked into the Backpackers that his mate had stayed in while waiting for David to arrive. They had the time of their lives meeting people from all over the world. While waiting for a tour one day they played 3 a side soccer with some local children of about 8. They couldn't speak English but David and his mate had the best time. The young boys kept on saying in Vietnamese whatever the words were for  3 a side soccer.

"Jam Melon Pickles and Spoons made from Coconut from Vietnam."

Now on Friday I was given 2lbs of Jam Melon. I found a recipe for Pickles in Mum's Golden Wattle Cookery Book. I cut up the melon and poured the vinegar over it. Planning to make it on Saturday. With everything that happened on Saturday it didn't happen until Sunday. Once again I added lots of extra herbs and spices to the recipe. Earlier on in the year I saw these labels on special a packet of 25 for 20 cents. I think they are supposed to be used for school books. I thought they would make great labels for the cooking. I purchased two packets . I just realised I had written "Jam Melon" on the label after taking this photo. I have since corrected it by adding Pickle to the label. They are rather yummy. I cleaned out the pot with a piece of bread and butter yesterday.

Those lovely spoons are what David brought back as a gift for me from Vietnam. They are made from Coconut. They are just so perfect, made by someone who loves their wood carving.

This morning we woke to a real heavy mist. I took this photo just before nine. Still couldn't see the paddock across the road.

"Misty morning at Kainga."

 Whatever you do today make sure you are a "Happy Person."

Happy days.
Bev C

Thursday, July 19, 2012

"Cross Stitch Pouch, Bonnie's Vanilla Cupcakes."


I usually keep my projects in those plastic bags with the hook on the top that PJ's come in. They are very handy because you can see through them and hang them up if needs be. I decided that I needed something much prettier to store my current cross stitch project in. So yesterday I got out the Rose/Cross Stitch fabric that Mum had recently gifted to me. Thanks Mum.

"Cross Stitch Pouch."
I didn't have a pattern, just made it up as I went along. I even got to add the matching rose ribbon. I had been saving for that special project for possibly 20 years!!! The button on the front is of a green tree frog. It will remind me not to make mistakes in my cross stitch and then I won't have to be a "cross stitch frogger" and rip it out. The pouch is big enough to fit my pattern and magnetic board etc. So much prettier than the plastic bag, don't you agree.

If you are wondering what that pretty rose is,

"Sparrieshoop rosebud."

I am sure  it is Sparrieshoop ( I have far too many roses!!!!)  (1953) Modern Shrub Rose. Clusters of large single blooms of soft pink- apricot with gold stamens. Lightly scented. Healthy glossy foliage on this upright vigorous bush. A tall spreading shrub or more usually grown as a climber. 3.5 metres. A repeat bloomer.
It opens out to lovely pink blooms with the gold stamen being paradise for bees.

"Bonnie's Vanilla Cupcakes."
Bonnie did some baking on Monday. Making these delicious cupcakes. I quickly took this photo as it was the last one left. Yum.

This morning I have been going through some things in my sewing room. I really shouldn't buy anything more. I have enough projects,books,fabric etc to last until I am 199. Why then did I visit Good Sammy's this morning and pick up a bag of toy fill? Because I can and it was only $2.00 for the bag.

Now the sun is shining here, must get outside for a while. The Lemon Coconut Cake has just come out of the oven and the buns in the Breadmaker must be about ready.

Happy days.
Bev C

Monday, July 16, 2012

"Red,White and Blue makes a Happy Monday."


Happy Monday. There have been quite a few Red White and Blue themed happenings in blog world this month. I dove in and made something too. I couldn't resist this cute cupcake design from Anna Bove Embroidery.

It looks good enough to eat doesn't it.

This is what I made it into.

A little table mat/mug mat, whatever you want to call it. I made a matching card too.  Some ric-rac and ladybird backing and binding completes the project. Using designs I have saved on the computer make me happy. This way a little project gets completed.

Saturday saw us attending the "Christmas in July" markets and the Old Railway Station in town. I was so happy to get a look at some amazingly cute animals. I never thought I would love to own a pig until I saw the most cutest one ever!!! It was half the size of our cat. Not for sale unfortunately. The lady also had all wrapped up a blanket under a heat lamp a Albino  Pygmy Hedgehog. It was the cutest ball of spikes I have ever seen. It has to be kept warm or else it goes into hibernation.

Hope you get to be extra happy today.
Happy Monday.
Bev C

Saturday, July 14, 2012

"Owl Table Runner and "Honey, I shrunk the Garden."


Well Friday 13th turned out to be a lucky day for sewing. Friday-Night-Sew-In happens during the day here at Kainga.

I used a free  machine embroidery design which I have saved on my computer. Sorry can't remember who it is from, I just checked out the paperwork that comes with it and there is no name. Anyway I had purchased some owl fabric at Spotlight a while back. They put some lovely fabrics where you wait to pay of course!!!! So a owl table runner was planned for the sew-in.

"Owl Table Runner."

I used bright pink homespun for the backing and border. I am not sure if I will keep this or it will be a present for someone. Decisions, decisions.

Seeing it was the 13th I decided to tackle something that has been staring at me every time I enter the sewing room. After all I had started this back in either February or March and it went no further, so working on it was like tackling a mountain. It was now or never type thing.

"Spring Garden squares ready to be sewn."

I had ironed the squares onto the Quilter's Grid pellon and some had come apart from the pellon. So I cleared the table and put a ironing mat under neath it. I found the Rajah Pressing Cloth and counted to ten and got them all back in place.

Ten or twenty more deep breaths and went to the sewing machine. I soon worked out to get out the extension table from another sewing machine to hold it up which made is so much easier to sew.

"Spring Garden top."

Half an hour later my garden has shrunk. Friday evening was spent drawing and cutting the shapes to go onto the top. A project for the coming week.

Happy days and have a wonderful weekend.
Bev C

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"Beanie,Birthday,Vietnam etc etc..."


A very belated Happy Monday. It is now Tuesday morning and raining and cold. Wintertime, a day inside with the fire going sounds just perfect.

Lots has been happening here at Kainga. First I want to show the Beanie I crocheted for my early morning walks. I started and finished this on Sunday. I found a pattern on the net and adjusted it by adding about ten extra rows and a few stitches here and there. Got to keep those ears warm when it is only a few degrees.

I used 8 ply yarn and a 3.5m crochet hook. Everyone must be crocheting this Winter because the hook display in Spotlight in Midland was vary sparse last week. So I tried our local craft shop on Saturday morning and the only ones available in 3.5 was a Bamboo one. I haven't used these before. I loved working with the Bamboo hook. It was so smooth and it doesn't have the name engraved on the side like the steel ones. So you don't get that dent in your finger.

There has been a few celebrations over the last couple of days. Lucy celebrated her Birthday on Friday so last night we all went to the local Tavern for a lovely warm meal. Happy Birthday Lucy and all the best for the coming year.

David came home yesterday as well. Last night in the middle of the night Ian took him to the Airport to go on his 10 day holiday to Vietnam. He is meeting up with a friend who has been doing charity work in Cambodia. Have lots of fun David.

A couple of weeks ago I bought this painted box from a Garage Sale for only $1.00.

It is quite big and it is now holding some of my crochet threads.

Around the side it has the quote:

"Do not complain that the rosebush has thorns, but rejoice that is has roses."

Friday- Night -Sew -In is on again this week. I have decided to join in, no idea what I will be working on. Maybe some more machine embroidery or cross stitch.

Happy days.
Bev C

Saturday, July 7, 2012

"Once upon a time..."


This past week I have been making a cloth book. I used designs from Sue Box's "Enchanted Fairy Treasures."

The designs are quite intricate and took sometime to stitch out. It was interesting to see how the colours I chose stitched out.

Now I better not show any more pages. After all it is a present for baby Faye.

Happy days.
Bev C

Monday, July 2, 2012

"Dyeing Crochet Cotton and Fabric, Makes a Happy Monday."


Happy Monday, the sun is shining here. Hooray after the cold week last week we have a week of sunshine, though of course it will be cold at night time.

Today I am so happy to share a little project I have been working on. Thanks to the generosity of fellow bloggers Marina and Nat who made it all possible.

Last year Marina sent me a bag of crochet cotton that she had spare. Then with inspiration and guidance from Nat I can show you what I got up to on Friday.

I dyed some of the cotton and some calico and patchwork fabric scraps. I used 3 or 4 "purple carrots" to obtain the colour. I let it all soak a extra day. Then the time came to rinse the fabric and cotton. I unwound the cotton onto one of the dining chairs and let it dry in front of the wood fire. Yesterday I started a crochet doily and here it is.

It turned a lovely shade of light purple. It is a bit variegated especially at the start, I think this is because this was the outside cotton that was wound a different way. There is 2 rows to go on the pattern but I know I haven't enough cotton left so will finish it of as is. The cotton was a size 20 Coats cotton and I used a 1.25 crochet hook. The pattern was called "Candies" and the cotton does remind me of those little sweets that have I Love You, You are my Sweetheart etc written on them

Here is the result of the fabric being dyed with carrot. I put in different pieces/grades of calico and a couple of cream patchwork fabric that had small flowers on them. I am so pleased with this result. I will definitely be doing some more dyeing with plants etc in the future.

Happy Monday
Bev C