Monday, July 2, 2012

"Dyeing Crochet Cotton and Fabric, Makes a Happy Monday."


Happy Monday, the sun is shining here. Hooray after the cold week last week we have a week of sunshine, though of course it will be cold at night time.

Today I am so happy to share a little project I have been working on. Thanks to the generosity of fellow bloggers Marina and Nat who made it all possible.

Last year Marina sent me a bag of crochet cotton that she had spare. Then with inspiration and guidance from Nat I can show you what I got up to on Friday.

I dyed some of the cotton and some calico and patchwork fabric scraps. I used 3 or 4 "purple carrots" to obtain the colour. I let it all soak a extra day. Then the time came to rinse the fabric and cotton. I unwound the cotton onto one of the dining chairs and let it dry in front of the wood fire. Yesterday I started a crochet doily and here it is.

It turned a lovely shade of light purple. It is a bit variegated especially at the start, I think this is because this was the outside cotton that was wound a different way. There is 2 rows to go on the pattern but I know I haven't enough cotton left so will finish it of as is. The cotton was a size 20 Coats cotton and I used a 1.25 crochet hook. The pattern was called "Candies" and the cotton does remind me of those little sweets that have I Love You, You are my Sweetheart etc written on them

Here is the result of the fabric being dyed with carrot. I put in different pieces/grades of calico and a couple of cream patchwork fabric that had small flowers on them. I am so pleased with this result. I will definitely be doing some more dyeing with plants etc in the future.

Happy Monday
Bev C


  1. OMG Bev what a beautiful beautiful colour...Good on you for dyeing your own!

  2. Gorgeous colour and such a great idea!

  3. How fun is this! Nat is so good in natural dyeing! Funny how the colors turned out so differently for the fabric and the thread.

  4. Bev how clever are you,your doiley looks fantastic,well done.xx

  5. This is a beautiful colour, Bev. Great way to make the shades you want. It's a very pretty doiley.

  6. Well done Bev. Lovely colour of thread you got. For fabric, cotton don't take all that well with natural dye. Use two-three table spoons of white vinegar in the dye solution to help with absorption. I'm glad you are trying it. You love garden and nature, what's a better way to enjoy them than dyeing! You made my day...

  7. The color you got dyeing looks fabulous, soft and delicate. I love it! And I thing I'm going to try it some of this days.

  8. very adventurous of you... and that colour is so pretty... looking forward to seeing some others you do

  9. What a beautiful colour and very clever to dye!

  10. Beautiful! I love your new color and your crochet project. This looks like a fun experiment!

  11. Hi Bev, I wonder if that was the result you expected? It would have been a wonderful surprise to me! Your doily remind me how my grandmother loved to crochet with purple thread although yours is a softer, prettier colour. Well done!

  12. Such pretty colors and I just love the doily! I have always wanted to experiment with dying, especially with carrots or you have my gears working! You did a great job!

  13. The colour of the beautiful delicate doilly is gorgeous!
    Great work Bev! :)

  14. Lovely color, Bev! I had fun last year dying some crochet hot pink. Now I want to try some lavender!

  15. What a beautiful color and a sweet looking doily. I have seen other blog that do their own dyeing of lace and fabric and they get some gorgeous colors. Happy coloring and can't wait to see what you do with your dyed fabric. : )

  16. The dying turned out so well. Good on you! Love your doiley. Years ago I crocheted a very large doiley in red. Didn't like the red when it was finished some bleached the doiley. It ended up light pink and it is still going well. The bleach didn't seem to harm the thread at all.

  17. that is amazing. Love that doily. Now did you say that used carrots? as in the vegetable.
    Such a lovely soft colouring.


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