Friday, September 28, 2012

"A crochet string bag and another visitor."


I finished a second crochet string bag this week. I found another pattern and actually preferred this one to the previous one I made.

The pattern was easier to follow and went in rounds not spiraling up like the previous bag I made. The only changes I made was putting three chains or two chains at the start of the round instead of the treble or double crochet. Old habits die hard and I guess everyone has been taught differently. Plus the last round called for Crab Stitch, it didn't look nice so I did another round of double crochet. The pattern is available from Penny.
This will add one more finished item for "One Project A Month."

The other day I walked out the back door and who should I see coming for a visit.

Mr Bob. I hope he found a warm spot last night. It was minus 2 overnight and Freddy Frost had visited as well. The Gazebo roof and gardens had a covering of frost. After yesterday's cold windy day it was to be expected. Though it is hard to believe we are having temps in the high 30's on Monday. Lucky we have a Public Holiday for the Queen's Birthday.

Happy days.
Bev C


  1. that bag is very cute Bev and love your vistor,enjoy your long weekend.xx

  2. I love making bags like this. So handy for lots of things, but especially for carrying a lunch or produce. How fun to hear we're having similar weather this Freddy Frost visiting.

  3. Another great bag. Your crocheting is SO neat!
    Cute visitor. I agree. He must be wondering what is going on with your temperatures!

  4. Oh Bev, I like thi string bag. I like yours better than the original pattern. Thanks for sharing the pattern as well. I'm a Raverly member so I can get it - Have a great weekend - hugs Nat

  5. Great bag Bev. Is your visitor still there?

  6. the bag is great and what a beautiful visitor you got... I'm amazed at the weather and your frosts now....

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  8. Great looking bag, Bev. And lucky you, a very handsome visitor!

  9. Lovely job of your bag Bev. Not so sure I agree with most of the others that he is cute or beautiful?! Have a great weekend.... Nicky x

  10. You are quite handy with a hook Bev. Good job! :)

  11. What a handsome chap. Beautiful bag sweet. You are clever.

  12. I've never done crochet Bev...your bag looks great! Wow that is cold and then hot again....Just like Spring!

  13. Crochetted bag is way too cute.

    Have a happy weekend!!

  14. I don't crochet and have no idea what those stitches are that you name, but I sure do like that bag! Cute visitor too!

  15. I remember buying bags similar to yours when we visited Europe when I was young. The French used them to go to the market, and I loved to used them at the beach, because sand would fall out of them and not collect in the bottom!

    Mr. Bob looks like a friendly least I hope he is!

  16. Love your crochet bag Bev. They are so handy. We had a visitor like yours the other day too... He was sitting on the road though, trying to get some heat. We've also had a couple of snakes. Have a lovely long weekend xx

  17. You're always busy making beautiful things Bev.

  18. Very nice string bag Bev they are so handy.

  19. Is a lovely bag, maybe some day I'll try one. :)

  20. Lovely bag Bev :)
    Did you say -2 ... oh boy!


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