Monday, December 9, 2013

"An Elephant in the Room."


Happy Monday.

 Happy to visit a garden last month that had this Elephant growing in the front garden. I was very pleased to visit this garden as you can't see it from the Highway. Lots of Gum trees growing out the front hiding the lovely garden and old home. Each time we drive to Perth now we smile as we pass, we know what delights there are just out of view.

I have had a few "elephants" that have sat in my sewing room for a while. Decided to turn the crochet bag into a Lavender sachet.

 This cross stitch was turned into a mini cushion filled with some Lavender from the garden.

This cross stitch was turned into a small wall hanging.

Glad to have three small finishes for "One Project a Month." If you click on the links you will see the two cross stitch pieces have been waiting for a few years to be finished. How did that happen???

Happy days.
Bev C


  1. A garden elephant seems like quite a challenge. It looks great. I love your little finishes. Well done on getting them made into projects. It always feels good to finish things off.

  2. love that topiary elephant,Bev. Those finishes are all delightful!

  3. Love that elephant! and some lovely finishes too. Well done. xx

  4. How cool Bev to drive post a place and know thT that elephant is there...I bet he is magnificent! Lovely little finishes!

  5. that green elephant is rather fun... I love it's loopy trunk dragging on the ground...
    Great getting little things finished and made into something... it's those little pieces that hide in cupboards...

  6. Gosh I am not sure that I would want an elephant in my garden though I must admit that one looks like it is very well done & clipped into shape. I could think of other creatures I would probably prefer. You have been busy finishing some of your half done projects Bev ... good on you, it inspires me to finish some of mine :-)

  7. The garden elephant is stunning. Great idea in a garden.
    Love seeing the way you have finished off your projects. Lovely work.

  8. What a fantastic idea making lavender sachets from small cross stitch pieces! Thank you for the inspiration Bev :)

  9. Love the Elephant...
    Nice finishes Bev.
    Look forward to seeing you on Saturday...

  10. I love the garden elephant - such a lot of fun. Lovely cross stitches.

  11. Lovely finishes. I do love a bit of whimsy in a garden.

  12. The garden elephant looks wonderful and your finishes are beautiful. It always feels nice to get those 'elephants' finished!


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