Saturday, June 7, 2014

"FNSI, Love Letters, Soap Making, Visitors, etc."


I joined in Friday Night Sew In hosted by Cheryll yesterday. I sewed in the daytime as we were busy with family things last night.
I did manage to get some Love Letters made up.

 More about these letters another day.

 I used this rather cute Penguin design from the Adorable Applique site to make up this table centre.

 We have been in need of some dishcloths. I read just last week that fleecy fabric makes great dishcloths. I have had a piece of  pink fleecy in the cupboard for sometime. So a quick over lock around the edges and we now have 8 dishcloths.
Thanks Cheryll for hosting Friday Night Sew In.

 Monday saw time to make up a batch of Lavender soap. I had infused the lavender in Olive oil for a long long time so it has a beautiful perfume. We have 6 weeks to wait for it to cure.

 With all the vegie scraps being buried in the garden, we have had some free food come up. Picked this Pumpkin this week.

 Gardening brings lots of visitors to the garden. I recently set up a pond with some water plants and walking across to see how it was going I nearly trod on this frog. He jumped into the nearby garden and stayed there long enough for me to get the camera. I hope he/she has a partner. Nothing like the sound of frogs at night time.

Last weekend a young boy got bitten by a snake and they warned us that reptiles love coming out for a visit on sunny days. I walked out the front to check on some plants and was thinking about this when just beside where I was looking was this Bobtail Goanna hiding under the Alyssum. Lucky it was him and not one of his cousins.

Have a lovely weekend.

Happy days.
Bev C


  1. Your soaking lavender in olive oil intrigues me as we have top heavy lavender bushes and all I can ever think of doing is drying the flowers.
    I love garden surprises too.
    You've been very productive!

  2. Hi Bev, your little penguin is gorgeous and I love the sound of your soap. I'm so glad we don't have snakes in NZ!! wendy

  3. Lots of activity inside and out. Love your embroidered letter! How nice to have such fluffy dishcloths. I might use those on my face. I didn't know handmade soap took so long to cure. Enjoy your weekend!

  4. I love handmade soaps so much better than store bought, pretty dish cloths almost too pretty to wash dishes with :) Barb.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Lots happening at your place. Gorgeous embroideries and lovely soaps.
    Watch out for the wildlife!

  7. A busy week Bev. I love the sound of your soap! xx

  8. Love your soap. Off to infuse some oil with lavender. Last time I made lavender soap I put the lavender in the soap as I made it & I wasn't happy with it. Going to try the fleecy for dish cloths. Hugs, xx

  9. Love your soap - and your penguin is so sweet.
    Have a lovely weekend

  10. Hello Bev,
    What an adorable penguin, too cute. Lavender soap, how lovely. I have on my list to do is soap using marjoram. I have always thought the smell of marjoram has a clean fresh fragrance.
    Dish clothes, always useful.
    Oh my, what an interesting looking frog. I like them but they would scare me if I came up on one unexpectedly. You have some things to worry about in your garden. Be safe.
    Have a wonderful weekend. Here is starting off with some grey skies. Nice for some light gardening.
    Bobbie Lynn

  11. You have been very busy making lots of lovelies..
    Bet the soap smells great.....

  12. What a lovely post Bev...great dishcloths and I love the soap? Was it hard to make? Enjoy your Sux your house smells good with that soap!

  13. Great post
    Would love to know how the dish cloths go
    You have been very productive

  14. EEEEkkkk snakes, no thank you (I too am glad we don't have snakes in New Zealand)
    Your soap sounds devine, I love hand made soap

  15. lots happening... did you soak fresh lavender in the oil? sounds lovely. I'll be interested how the fleecy cloths go .... pretty letters... looking forward to hearing about those..

  16. Your 'letters' have me interested :)
    Glad that was only a lizard visiting.

  17. Your soaps look interesting ..have you tried the dishcloths? eek snakes..

  18. Lovely work the penguin is very cute.

  19. Hi Bev, I wish I could sew or crochet or knit...I should add any of these in my bucket list. By the looks of things, your garden attracts a lot of wildlife. That frog seem to enjoy your pond and that lizard I thought was a snake.
    Enjoy your long weekend.

  20. Love your free garden bounty and your visitors. You have been busy. I love the perfume of lavender.

  21. Lavender soap. Lovely. Lavender is one of my favourites. You've been so busy. Those love letters look very interesting too...

  22. Love the little Penguin and a girl can never have enough dish cloths... especially pretty pink ones. Thought you'd been baking before I read you'd made soap! Good job I wasn't round for tea eh! :o) You might be happy about a Bottail Wotsit in your garden but you wouldn't have seen me for dust. Frog looks nice though :o))

  23. Some gorgeous new creations there Bev - you sure have been busy. Your soap infused with the olive oil looks very interesting & I love the handmade look to it all cut into squares, theres just something special about handcrafted soap I feel. Happy week to you x0x

  24. Lots of lovely things you have made there!

  25. My goodness you are busy :)) I haven't made hand soap for quite a while ... The lavender sounds and must smell wonderful.. Love the rose on your heading so delicate.. Does it have a name that you could share :))??
    hugs pat ..

  26. Pretty sewing and I would love to learn about the love letters. You have such beautiful frogs there! That snake looks scary! Do be careful!


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