Thursday, September 18, 2014

"Tea Party Tablecloth, Healthy Recipe Alphabet Quilt and Spring is here."


I finished the Tea Party Tablecloth.

 There are 84 machine embroidery designs between the vases of flowers on the fabric.

Lots of different designs, something to talk about when having the morning cuppa.

 Tuesday morning I was invited to a garden gathering, I needed to take a plate along for morning tea. Planned to make the some of the Lemon Truffles but noticed the packet of what I thought was LSA was actually Linseed Meal (flax seed) I had to go with the Linseed Meal. Luckily they tasted just as good.

 I decided to make a Alphabet Quilt. The blocks come out at two a week, which is very achievable for me. I'm using scraps and the blue floral fabric. If you want to join in please visit Temecula Quilt Company.

 The weather is just so beautiful here this week. The birds are  busy visiting the flowers.. Love the blooms of the Crab apple Tree. Have several of these, they are tough and related to the Rose.

 The white coloured Dutch Iris have been blooming as well. I must remember to give them a feed soon. This makes for a great flowering season the following year. I don't lift any of the bulbs in the garden.

Now I wish it was Spring all year round.

Happy days.
Bev C


  1. Lovely tablecloth which will be a great conversation starter. Love seeing your crabapple tree in bloom when it's Fall here. Enjoy your spring!

  2. Your tablecloth is magnificent, Bev! Your garden is looking lovely...Spring is such a nice time of year...even our sub tropical climate here is pleasant at the moment.

  3. Your table cloth looks lovely, Bev. It's always lovely to see what's happening in your garden. Have a great day. Hugs, Christine

  4. Beautiful tablecloth. Your garden looks fabulous. Hugs,xx

  5. amazing work in that tablecloth and what a lot of it.... great job there.... your garden is looking stunning.... I do love springtime...

  6. Your cloth will make for a pretty tea party. Love visiting your garden Bev.

  7. Hi Bev love your tea party cloth its gorgeous and wow you have such a beautiful garden,we are still waiting for spring down here,enjoy your day my friend.xx

  8. Gosh Bev your tablecloth turned out stunning. How lovely to sit at with a cuppa & some of your lemon truffle balls. Your garden is looking beautiful as spring comes into its own. My friend makes crabapple jelly from her tree - she gave me a jar to try. Enjoy your weekend :-)

  9. well done on finishing your table cloth.
    Very pretty.
    good luck with your alphabet blocks you've made a great start.

  10. That is an amazing amount of work in your table cloth. Stunning.
    And your garden is looking lovely!

  11. Hi Bev,
    Wow! your yard is beautiful. What a wonderful job you and Your Hubby have done. I looks so green and new. That is what spring is, new beginnings. Hope all grows well in your garden and have fun.

    Love your tablecloth. A great way to fill in some of those areas of fabric. I have never been to the Temecula quilt shop. I saw the link and now I can add that to my list of places to visit. Funny, I found out from you who is many miles away. : )
    What a great idea for a quilt or a way to add lettering to your quilt.
    Have a wonderful spring day.
    Bobbie Lynn

  12. Oh my, what a delightful table cloth!!And the pictures of your garden - stunning!

  13. Oh wow, great work on the tablecloth Bev - fabulous use of the pretty fabric!
    Your garden is looking magnificent, no wonder you love Spring!
    I'm sad to see that the Open Garden Scheme is closing down - we used to go a couple of times a year to see what others are so at, when we are so terrible with anything garden-related!!

  14. I get you, if only the crab apple tree is in bloom the whole year through. Would be lovely! Have you been to any of the open gardens? I will take advantage of this year's open garden as I heard they will stop by next year. Sad😢
    Thank you for your visit Bev. Hope you are having a good Sunday.


  15. Your tablecloth is so nice Bev and your garden is lovely! We are having a beautiful Spring too.....enjoy those lovely days!

  16. My favourite time of the year too. Love your tablecloth - what a great idea! Fabulous photos of your beautiful garden.

  17. Hi Bev, your garden is so beautiful, lovely flowers. Your tablecloth is beautiful too. The truffles look delicious.

  18. What a pretty tablecloth! And yourgardenlooks gorgeous too. xx

  19. Hello Bev,

    Have just discovered your lovely blog via, Julie's from the blog hop.
    So neat to see all your beautiful work - the tablecloth is gorgeous and you have a wonderful garden.

    Happy week

  20. I'm always amazed how spring is coming to your neck of the woods, and fall is coming to ours! What an amazing world.....and thanks for sharing the lovely images of your flowers & quilt pieces!

  21. I love your embroidered tablecloth Bev! Your garden is beautiful as always xx


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