Tuesday, June 28, 2016

"Paris Cross Stitch and English Paper Piecing."


Time is just flying by. I can't believe Wimbledon started yesterday. One of my favourite times of the year.

I have finally stitched my Paris cross stitch into a cushion. Doing this stitch along was a challenge for me as I usually start at the top of a chart and work down. This started in the bottom right hand corner if I remember rightly. It is such a pretty cross stitch design by Kat  I used some floral fabric for the back of the cushion and added some beautiful cotton lace at the top and bottom plus added some silver hearts for decoration.

 I have added several more hexies to the collection now. It is fun finding fabrics and matching the embroidery design in the middle.

Linking this post to Piece Yourself Together hosted by Anthea.

Craft Magazines.

I have done the unthinkable (for me anyway) I have started getting rid of craft magazines. I realised I haven't even looked at lots of them this year. I had a quick look through one section of my bookshelf and have discarded 64 magazines so far. I found only one pattern from all those magazines,  a cross stitch one that I will do. How do you go with de-stashing your sewing room? Or do you add to it without taking something away?

Happy days.
Bev C

Saturday, June 18, 2016

"Butterfly's Bluebirds and Friday Night Sew In."


I hope your weekend is going well. During the week I finished the little Bluebird Cross Stitch into a wall hanging.

 This was stitched on 25 count Dublin Linen using DMC threads Numbers 312 3829 and 3838. Once again this was a freebie provided by http://lacontesselepointdecroix.blogspot.com.au/. The Bluebird flew from Kainga this week in this lovely card made by Bobbie Lynn. Bobbie Lynn had sent me this card with a letter inside and made it so it was re-usable. Thanks so much for your letter Bobbie Lynn, your kindness is much appreciated.

Last night was Friday Night Sew In, during the afternoon I completed the simple quilting on my "Country Store" wall hanging and sewed on the binding during the evening. I then had time to get some more hexies organised for my Hexagon project. If you joined in Friday Night Sew In I hope you got lots done.Special thanks to Wendy for hosting the evening.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Happy days.
Bev C

Thursday, June 9, 2016

"Multi skilled."


Hope you are keeping warm,  it is rather chilly here at Kainga this week. 

Being multi skilled seems to be the in thing these days.

This week  I have...

 Walked the dog.

Did some gardening.

Milked the cow.

Did some sewing.

I hope you have had a great week. How multi skilled are you?

Happy days.
Bev C

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

"One Project a Month for May."


Happy June,

I managed to finish some projects last month.

Though I haven't quite finished this applique wall hanging. I have the bottom half to go. So many tiny pieces in this one.

 The little bluebirds cross stitch was completed but is yet to be made into something.

I did make up some more Tuelle fruit bags for Ainsley and Julian to use when shopping.

How did you get on with your sewing in May? I would love to hear what you are working on.

Happy days.