Tuesday, June 28, 2016

"Paris Cross Stitch and English Paper Piecing."


Time is just flying by. I can't believe Wimbledon started yesterday. One of my favourite times of the year.

I have finally stitched my Paris cross stitch into a cushion. Doing this stitch along was a challenge for me as I usually start at the top of a chart and work down. This started in the bottom right hand corner if I remember rightly. It is such a pretty cross stitch design by Kat  I used some floral fabric for the back of the cushion and added some beautiful cotton lace at the top and bottom plus added some silver hearts for decoration.

 I have added several more hexies to the collection now. It is fun finding fabrics and matching the embroidery design in the middle.

Linking this post to Piece Yourself Together hosted by Anthea.

Craft Magazines.

I have done the unthinkable (for me anyway) I have started getting rid of craft magazines. I realised I haven't even looked at lots of them this year. I had a quick look through one section of my bookshelf and have discarded 64 magazines so far. I found only one pattern from all those magazines,  a cross stitch one that I will do. How do you go with de-stashing your sewing room? Or do you add to it without taking something away?

Happy days.
Bev C


  1. Hello,
    your Paris Pillow looks great. I like it.
    Wonderful hexagon-projekt.
    Greetings, Manuela (your new follower)

  2. Great work with your Paris cushion. That is a lovely finish.
    A good to see the hexie collection growing.
    I try to keep on top of my magazine collection. I have reduced my subscriptions and now mark anything I am interested in as soon as I get them. That way when I sort through at the end of each year I know which mags not to keep. I always check, but usually find my first judgement was right.

  3. Love your Paris cushion. Just gorgeous. Love the hexies. Hugs,xx

  4. Oh your Paris cushion is just delightful Bev...I love it! Oh dear my Craft magazines I have so many but I have stopped subscribing now and just buy the odd one now and then to see what's happening!

  5. what a pretty Paris cushion. Enjoy Wimbledon - i always loved watching it but now it is an unfriendly time of day! Oh... its so hard for me to declutter my sewing... but every now and then I chuck out a couple of old magazines... and then buy some more!!


  6. Your Paris x - stitch looks wonderful made into a cushion Bev - I love all your little embellishments too. I started culling my craft magazines at the beginning of the year ... it amazed me also how out of a huge pile I only kept about 3 of them. I gave them to the Animal Care Op Shop ..I wont tell you how long it took me to complete the cull though !!!!

  7. I'm a bit seedy today - sat up watching the tennis last night. Must get a good sleep tonight. I say that now but when the times comes the tennis will probably win. I mustn't get too tired and nod off during the big ceremony on Friday. Love the Paris cushion, very elegant.

  8. Love your Paris cushion - it's so pretty. I've moved on all of my magazines except for the original Homespuns. i scanned the few patterns I thought I might make so I can print them out if the time ever comes.

  9. Love the cushion! I love Paris!!xxx

  10. The Paris cushion looks great... Hmm! I always start my cross stitch in the middle.....
    Lovely hexies too.
    I haven't bought craft magazines on a regular basis for years now. Just get one when something catches my eye...
    I have been cleaning out my Cave and do throw things out or put them into the Op shop .. We just collect sew much stuff...

  11. Hi Bev
    Oh I love the tennis too... & in a few days we'll be going between it & the Tour de France... Lovely work on your Paris piece...
    As for magazines, I haven't had any subscriptions for ages, & only buy the odd one when something takes my fancy... they seem to have become so same-same these days... I prefer to buy individual patterns for projects... I recently went through over 150 magazines & only kept about 20 patterns from them!! So freeing, it's great!

  12. Love your cross stitch. I always start in the middle! I recently destashed many of my magazines but mine was unadulterated fury! Felt great! I'm trying to really not buy on impulse anymore so that I get to enjoy my purchases rather than stash and forget.

  13. Your cushion is beautiful! what a great finish. Hexies looking good too. xx

  14. Hi Bev,
    Lovely Hexies, I like the ideas of having a stichery in the middle.. must do some like that! I get rid of my craft magazines very regularly :) xxx

  15. hi Bev such beautiful work,yes i think we all get to the stage of having to go through the mags ,we end up with so many xx


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