Today I will be making soap with a recipe that I have used for a while now. The recipe is very simple and only uses three ingredients .
Homemade Liquid Soap
Grate one bar of sunlight soap and one bar of the nicer soaps for example dove or palmolive, add them to a pot with about six cups of water. I use rainwater. Bring the soap and water to the boil. I give the occassional stir with a wooden spoon. Then give a wizz with a stick blender. Leave it overnight to thicken. water down if desired. Fills 4 or 5 bottles depending on the size. You can reuse shampoo bottles and hand pump bottles. Have a go with this recipe. It is a very
economical recipe.
Happy days.
Bev C
well i am going to have a go at making that soap. It would make good present for family, Put in a nice bottleand cap.
great tutorial Bev! Definately gonna try this one!
Hi Bev, I did this one yesterday.. it set very thick so I reheated and added another 4 cups of water (10 altogether) ... this morning it is still so thick it sits in one piece... like a very firm jelly - no ways it will go in a pump... any suggestions??? haha.... you are becoming my agony aunt!
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