I have decided to join in the "A Project a Month Challenge". This is a great idea to keep us all motivated and to bring out those projects we all have that need finishing off. This month I have completed two projects. The cushion stitchery and the schoolhouse cross stitch. As I am going away for several weeks I have decided to take some stitching with me. I started this cross stitch early on in the year. I must have taken it to craft one day and put it away to continue on with something else. I have also drawn the stitchery my Honeypot Swap partner Lyn gave me. It is a lovely Christmas stitchery I have sorted out the threads I need to take so hopefully at least a fair bit of the cross stitch will be done and the stitchery. I have been doing some sewing but as they are for gifts all will be revealed later on.
Happy stitching.
Bev C
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