Hello and Happy Monday.
There is one thing on this earth that makes Me Happy and that is "Real Food." Food that we have grown here at Kainga, no chemicals added no numbers or codes written on the sides of these foods.
All Year Round Cauliflower
We have had great success with the Brassica's this year. They seem to thrive in the raised vegie beds. Now we build up the soil before we plant and I haven't fertilised these very much, just a bit of Seasol type product when they were younger.
Mini Cauliflower
Even the Mini Cauliflower have grown as big as the regular Cauliflowers. These usually only grow about the size of a mans fist. We are also picking Broccoli heads each night that are as big as the Cauliflower.
Ruby Lou Potatoes
We have a couple beds of potatoes shooting through so in Spring we will have fresh spuds to eat.
Parsley in amongst the Geranium
Parsley springs up each year in some terracotta pots we have near the pool. We pick some of this each day to add to our evening meal. Parsley is high in vitamins.
Fresh Produce from the Kainga Kitchen. |
Over the past week I have been cooking a variety of dishes using produce that we have out in the back yard. I made a batch of Carrot Marmalade. On Saturday I looked at the price of Marmalade whilst we were shopping. I am in front by about $25.00 by making our own. I got the recipe from the book on the left. This is a great book because it tells you how to grow then make something from what you have grown.
From the other book which was produced by the people of Ruakaka and the Ruakaka Community Library I have made the 5 minute Chocolate Cake. You cook this in the microwave, it is fun watching it rise right before your eyes. They call this the most dangerous cake recipe in the world-why because you are only 5 minutes away from chocolate cake. I also made the Beer Bread from this book, Yum is all I can say. As we have lots of citrus at the moment I decided to Make a pie. I am sure they won't mind if I share the recipe with you.
Lazy Lemon Pie---- soooo easy
4 eggs
100 gram melted butter
3/4 cup coconut
1/3 cup lemon juice (2-3 lemons)
1 cup milk
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup flour
Zest of 2 lemons
Preheat oven to 170 degrees. Place all ingredients in a bowl or processor and mix together.
Pour the batter into a 23cm pie dish.
Bake for 45 minutes or until top is golden and filling is set.
This pie is delicious and even tastes so much better cold the next day.
Growing and making your own food is so good for you. You don't have to battle the shops,no trying to find a parking spot and best of all you know what is in it. I can't believe what some people put in there shopping trolleys. No wonder we are a growing nation!!! Please let me know what you are growing or have cooked for your family this week. Let me know if you make up the Pie. You will have a smile on your face eating this one.
Happy Monday.
Bev C