Well it is Ainsley and Julian's first wedding anniversary today. It is hard to believe that 12 months ago today they were married. For your first anniversary the present is supposed to be paper. So I made them a cushion with some of the leftover material from the wedding quilt. I used paper piecing and hand stitched the hexagons onto the material. I even made some piping for the edge which was a bit of a challenge getting around the corners. After completing the cushion and getting it ready to be pressed I felt front and could hear paper, I had left one of the hexagon papers inside. So a little bit of unpicking then stitching it back up again. Enjoy your day Ainsley and Julian and may you have many more anniversaries together.
Happy days.
Bev C
The pillow is very nice .The table is set lovely. Well I hope they had a very nice anniversary .
Hi Bev you have done some lovely things . Thanks for sharing , Clare's Craftroom
What a lovely way to use the paper annivesary theme. Your pillow is beautiful.
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