I was very excited to receive my parcel for the Bee Sew Whimsical Secret Santa Honeypot Swap from my swap partner Lyn Morrison. Lyn lives on the opposite side of Australia to me in Nambucca Heads in New South Wales. Lyn has made me the most beautiful ornament to hang on my Christmas tree. The ribbon embroidery is stunning to say the least. Lyn also gave me a stitchery pattern from Angels in Disguise called Xmas Morning Annie, some material and a bag of buttons a beautiful card and most importantly a card that says I get free hugs. Lyn thank you very much for all the effort you put into this ornament. I will treasure this and remember you every Christmas time when we put up our tree. It certainly has been great fun looking to see what everyone has made and received in this swap. The thing I loved about this was that a lot of good will has been spread around and our world needs a little extra of this at this time. Special thanks to Darlene for all your effort you have put into making this swap such a success and of course to the 45 people who joined in. Merry Christmas to all the participants.
Happy stitching.
Bev C
Oohh, what lovely christmas goodies you have received! (and so beautifully wrapped)
Bev...... a little extra Honeypot secret - Lyn is my wonderful mother-in-law! She had emailed me pics of all the gorgeousness that she sent you & I knew that you would love it. It was certainly my pleasure in hosting this for the reasons you mentioned. The Honeypot swappers certainly filled the world in festive inspiration & spirit!
Thank you for being such a wonderful person yourself. It's great to have so many wonderful & caring friends in my life.
I wish you & your family a wonderful Christmas & may your New Year be filled with creative stitching & inspirational thoughts!
take care sweetie!
Oh Wow Bev, you have received some gorgeous swappy things there - Enjoy!
Janelle xx
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