Well we have been blessed with some cooler weather which means I can sew with the window open and a breeze blowing on my back. I haven't felt a cool breeze for a while so I managed to get a fair amount of sewing done yesterday. I joined up the first row of the row-block of the month which
Anita and I are doing.

"Chooks" was the theme for our first row. I appliqued 4 chooks.

Then I added a block that had our favourite Chicken Recipes. I wonder what is in the pot?

And to add a bit of quirkiness to the quilt I copied from my old CWA (Country Women's Association) recipe book which also has a handy hints section at the end of the book the recipe for curing scaly legs on poultry. It may come in handy one day!!!

So that is what the first row looks like. It is going to be quite a big quilt. The next rows theme is hearts which I will work on today. This months theme is green/trees with St Patrick's Day coming up this month there could even be something to do with him. The possibilities are endless.
I hope you all have a lovely relaxing weekend and get to do something you love.
Happy days.
Bev C
Nice chooks Looking forward to the next row
what a great way to use the chooks............they look great.......
You are very clucky to be making such a lovely chooky row.What has Anita done. Sounds like it will be a fun qulit to do.
Great Chook blocks - really fun and quirky - is the wording machine embroidered? Looking forward to seeing the next row of heart blocks and pleased you're enjoying cooler weather :0)
Shell x
What a lovely idea and so well made!
You have a lovely weekend too (O:
That is going to be an adorable quilt there Bev. Love the color chose. Can not wait to see the finished quilt.
Good to hear that you had some cooler weather and hope the rain is not too far off.
Happy sewing to you too.
Wow...great recipe Bev!!! A lovely row of chooks...have a lovely weekend, Dzintra♥x
This weekend we are having friends to stay and we are talking about taking them to THAT garden!!!
It is so cute Bev!
Bev what a creative idea !
This is adorable!!! I love that word :chooks: too :)
Can't wait to see what comes next.
You are so creative and it looks wonderful!
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