I had a finish yesterday. The Chicken quilt has been quilted.
This quilt was from the book "Out of the box with easy blocks" by Mary Lou Weldman and Melannie Bautista McFarland.
I quilted it using the Character Decorative Stitches on my machine. Adjusting the sizes of the stitches a little in some areas.
For the backing I had enough of the cat fabric with a strip of yellow in the middle.
It was a sunless day yesterday when I took the photo's, the fabrics are much brighter in real life.
For the past few weeks I have been trialing a beeswax coated cover for wrapping up food. I was so disgusted that Glad Wrap had changed how you cut off there wrap. After years of cutting from the bottom of the box they decided you had to cut from the top of the box. With it being Plastic Free July, this was the catalyst to make up several of these wraps. I did notice the other week whilst shopping that Glad Wrap were advertising the original cutting box. I guess they got a good deal of flack for changing something that wasn't broken.

They are super simple to make. Cut your chosen Cotton fabric in the size you want. Just make sure it fits on to your oven tray which has some foil on it. Shave some Beeswax to cover the area of fabric. Put it in a preheated oven of about 60 degrees Celsius. It will only a take a few minutes to melt. Use a pastry brush to spread the wax if needs be. I have a silicone brush so very little wax stuck to it. If your brush is a bristle brush you may need to give it a good clean or use a old one.
We have used these for wrapping up muffins on a day out and can testify that the food remains fresh. They only need a wipe over with a damp cloth if food gets onto them.
I am super happy that all the Clivia's are now flowering. Garden books suggest these plants enjoy shade and are best planted underneath trees. Ours are real tough and have to make do with where they are planted here at Kainga.
Happy days.
Bev C
Cute chicken quilt! Now for the Glad-wrap cutting saga! Apparently I read on the social media that Glad-wrap is reversed the cut to the old way again because of lost of sales! If it works why fix it right?
What a fun, happy quilt. Thanks for the beeswax tip. I don't understand why companies feel they have to change things. Over the years I found that the taste of my favourite foods and condiments has changed and I am not amused.
I wonder if the Glad-wrap people did any research and homework before they decided to change?
Hi Bev we got caught with glad wrap too...thank you so much for sharing the recipe...this is so fantastic!
I'm going to make some of that food wrap...a great idea.
Caught up reading some great posts on your blog Bev . Always nice to visit... Xox
What a fun quilt and your beautiful quilting makes it really special. I love the idea of the waxwd cotton - I have a few blocks of beeswax hanging around from my bee keeping days so will give it a try. I am always wary of anything that says 'new and improved' cos improved it very rarely is, more to do with cost cutting I feel. Also anything that says 'ouverture facile' (easy to open) is probably lying! xx
You've been busy Bev. Great finish. My clivias are about a month of flowering..mine a tough. They arevin dappled shade but get a bit neglected sometimes.
Hello Bev,
I love the stitch you used to quilt your sweet quilt. A beautiful finish. : )
Interesting that you posted about waxed food keepers. I my local PBS cooking program they were talking about wax food wraps that are coated with bees wax and you can reuse them. It is neat that you made your own and you get to use up some left over fabric. Thanks for the tip.
Your clivias flowers are so pretty. Love the color and clusters of flowers.
Have a lovely day Bev.
Bobbie Lynn
My goodness - what a delightful chicken quilt! Well done!!!
I love your quilting Bev :) Nice tip about the food wrap - I might give it a go
great finish of your chicky quilt!
the wax covers are a great idea.
I have a clivia that is flowering I am waiting to see if it will be lemon or orange. The buds are not quite so definite at the moment.
Beautiful flowers! Never knew the name for that flower - they look kinda tropical from here. Love that idea for the beeswax coated cover. Perfect timing to go with your plastic-free July. (By the way, we tear off cling wrap from the top here in the US - I hate it too) Love seeing your fun sewing projects!
How I love that chicken quilt! Just darling! What a great idea with the beeswax cover! Have a great weekend
Your chicken quilt is gorgeous Bev., That is just amazing how you have told us about the beeswax to make food covers, what a great idea. I am keen to give that a go.
what a clever idea with the beeswax cover.... and I just loooooovvvvee your chicken quilt... perfect quilting for it too... brings it to life
Lovely job on the Chicen quilt, are Mary Lou and Mel a great team working together?
I made the Purple cow and it travelled around for just over two years with the herd. Got she home once Gain.
Love your embroidery stitching use in different scale and direction...definitely out of the box!
Lovely quilt! X
Hi Bev
I want to try the waxed covers - they sound like a great idea! Do you then cut a circle and elasticate it to fit over basins?
Your quilt is looking so lovely, beautiful quilting. We have a similar beeswax product in NZ, I have been given some as a gift recently and they work really well, even keep a block of cheese from going mouldy :)
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