We have had a busy time here at Kainga. Last Thursday I went to the Gardening Australia Expo. I listened to Peter Cundall and Sophie Thomson giving talks and advice. I even got Peter's autograph. Peter is such a fit and active man and he is just like he was on TV.I walked through Josh Byrne's waterwise garden complete with a water tank . I was in love with the new raised gardening beds. They certainly are the right height. I was amazed at the growth of the tomatoes in the hydroponic tanks. Some had fruit on them already and they were only planted a short while ago.
Friday saw me at Sewing. I was lucky enough a few weeks back to win a pattern and the original journal cover from Janelle Wind. Thanks Janelle. I made the bag, and was very pleased with the way it turned out. It is called Thelma's Day Out and it is from the Janelle Wind Collection.
On Saturday David had his School Ball. They boys looked very handsome in there suits and the girls looked lovely in there dresses and best shoes and some fantastic hair styles. Lots of photo sessions beginning with the first one here at home then onto his cousin's home then down to the local park where everyone had gathered. Then onto the Ball. Lots of dancing and a very nice meal was enjoyed then lots of dancing d-jaying photo taking and memories were made.
Yesterday we had his Graduation Ceremony and the best black pants and white shirt ironed we were ready to go again. They all had gowns to wear and a sash to keep which had everyone's name on it and the school logo. After the ceremony we all had a lovely afternoon tea provided by fellow students. A Graduation Cake that was absolutly stunning which had a main cake then every student had a cupcake with there name piped in icing. A lot of work was put into this and was really appreciated especially when the students saw it. The camera's came out as each student found there cake.
Will be back later this week with something else that I have made which Janelle was the designer.
Happy stitching.
Bev C
Hi Bev
Just love your Thelma's Day Out bag, & look forward to seeing what else you've been sewing.
Janelle 2 - the other Janelle :)
G,Day Bev, I came over from Janelle's blog, Your handywork is very nice, loved the story about the School Ball.
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