On Friday February 13th Chris and I took Lucy and David on a Tour of our "Old School Bus Route" that we travelled on many years ago when we were at school. Mind you in those days the bus certainly wasn't air conditioned and certainly didn't travel as fast. The photo above is inside the Mumberkine Hall. Sometimes in the morning I used to walk to here to catch the bus. Many party's were held in this hall. We were surprised that we were able to walk inside the building.

This photo of these wonderful trees is on our old farm called "Fairfield". This road to the farmhouse is no longer in use. They certainly have grown up to be fine specimens of trees.

I just love the photo above, the trees are very welcoming. They provided shade for us to walk home after getting dropped of by the bus. Lucy and David learnt a lot of family history and history of the farming district as we travelled along. They saw the original farmhouse of my descendants that pioneered the district. We met up with Mum,Lesley,Rosemary and Jane for a lovely walk around Goomalling and of course a visit to Goomalling wouldn't be a visit without a visit to the Go-cafe. We called into Jenna afterwards to have a drink at the pub but it wasn't open. A lovely day that everyone enjoyed.
Happy days.
Bev C
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