I heard the Australia Post courier van arrive this morning, following it was a brass band some cheerleaders and a whole assortment of wonderful happy people as well as choirs singing from above. You may wonder what was happening? My parcel from the lovely Cheryl at www.willowberrydesigns.typepad.com had arrived. I won this pattern sometime last year. I was the winner of her competition to name her quilt. Cheryl kept in touch via email to let me know what was happening with the pattern drawing. Cheryl even made me the cutest pin cushion from some of the material used in the quilt.It looks too nice to stick pins into it yet. I have been collecting some bright materials to make this quilt up. In the photo the colours are lighter. I am sure this will be one bright quilt.Thanks Cheryl it was well worth waiting for. On the sewing front I have been working on my bag swap. After being a bit indecisive I have finally worked out what I am doing.
Happy days and "Spring Giggles"
Bev C
Lucky you! I love bright colours. Hope you show it when it's finished.
Congratulations with your win and the cute pin cushion! Have many Spring Giggles while making it (O:
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