One of our favourite things to do here at
Kainga is getting into the garden. With the recent rain and sunshine afterwards our veggie garden is thriving. We plant mainly from small plants grown in punnets purchased from a local nursery. Although I am trying to get some of the old fashioned seeds going. Then I can save them and grow them the following growing season.

We ate some of this cauliflower last night. We even put a small spoonful on Lucy's plate. She doesn't eat many veggies and it was left on the plate. Oh well more for Ian and I.

Chinese cabbage is a favourite. You can pick a few pieces each day and it regrows.

A few months back Ian and I built this raised veggie bed. We had looked at purchasing one but as we had some sheets of iron left over from when we built the shed we used them up. I took off the netting for the purpose of taking the photo. This helps keep those
dreaded white butterflies away from them. In this bed we had some onions,lettuce,
broccoli,cauliflower and the
Chinese cabbage and yesterday I planted a few broad beans. Having the bed raised makes gardening so much easier. When filling up this bed we used up soil we had taken out when we put in the pool then a load of veggie mix which is full of manure etc was put on top then I layered some lupin mulch on top to help things along.

I have planted a couple of different
varieties of potatoes this year. I use different containers including this part of a 44 gallon drum and the plastic barrel. We do have some growing in the ground as well.

These leeks have come up after I left the seed heads on the ground over summer. I usually just chop off what I need and the leeks regrow. In the background is some peas that I have just recently sown. I had saved the seeds from last year. Presently we are going to look at getting another rainwater tank for the side of the house. It looks like June will be fairly wet so we want to catch as much rain as possible.
Happy gardening.
Bev C
wow what a wonderful cauliflower.......your vegie patch looks great.........
that Cauli just looks scrumptious Bev, what a wonderful crop you have there I am of course green with envy..the skippys eat our attempts at vegie garden growing..lucky you..what asavingon the purse as well ,cheers Vickie
Wow and Wow again. Your garden is beautiful and that cauliflower is gorgeous. You gave me a good idea to use netting for my garden. Those white butterflies are deadly in gardens and they can destroy what you work so hard for. Thanks for sharing. : )
I can't believe this actually grows in your garden!
Hmm, I really love those yummy veggies. Mouth watering! Great patch you have there.
Hi Bev...great looking veggie patch you have there...I love the idea of heritage seeds...we had thought of that once when we lived on small acres...Happy Gardening to you♥x
Hello Bev, thank you for your vegie patch tour...satisfying to pick your own vege.....I have a small patch in two old potato boxes and decided I would only grow through the summer months...thanks for the tip with the leeks....regards lyn
Fab garden, Bev. You Glass girls have many talents.
Hi, thanks for visiing me.
What a lovely crop of vegetables you have here. I'm quite pleased that I have managed to grow some herbs and a few salady things from seed this year. I'll have to remember the netting tip if I get as far as growing cauliflower and cabbage.
You button quilt is lovely.
That is the prettiest cauliflower I've ever seen! I'd love to be able to pick fresh veggies every day. Unfortunately, I don't like the rest of the work that comes with it.
what an awesome looking cauli....and the rest of the veges look great too...hugs Khris
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