After a couple of weeks of looking through my magazines and patterns I have finally decided what to make for my swap partner in the "Santa's Festive Honeypot Swap."

I have had this book from Kwik-Sew for many years now. I like using this book because the patterns can be used either for stretch material or cotton. Very versatile.

They are all applique patterns so I am in "Applique Heaven". Thanks guys.
On the home front we have had a bit to deal with in regards to David's car. On Sunday night we got a message to say his car had broken down about 20 minutes out of town. He had worked in the city on Sunday and was coming home for his day at the accountants here in town on Monday. After organising for the RAC to attend to him we booked his car in for a check up on Monday. It needed a new alternator. This was put in on Tuesday. He was supposed to work in the City on Tuesday but called in sick. There just wasn't enough time to get there after waiting for the car. He left home here mid afternoon with a car that had a new alternator and had been serviced the week before. Just after seven we got a phone call from him. "Mum I have been in a accident,but I am OK" I couldn't believe it. He and two friends were going out for dinner and a motor cyclist ran straight into the back of his car pushed all the rear end in and the riders head came through the rear window. They had no idea that the motor bike was coming to them. So they were in a fair amount of shock. Some of them had glass embedded in them but an ambulance was called and fixed this. The motor bike rider just had a sore ankle. Unfortunately we think David's car is a right off. We haven't seen it but have spoken to the tow truck driver who said when he drove it onto the truck it didn't sound very good. So we had about two and a half hours of phone calls back and forth to insurance company's police etc on Tuesday night and then again yesterday. We are just waiting to see if the car is a write off before we can do anything else. David took public transport to work yesterday and was getting a lift home. We may have to lend him a car to get to work though ,as he has to get up here for work on Monday's. David has been working about 45 and a half hours the last couple of weeks and it will be like this up until Christmas so it couldn't have come at a worse time. Thankfully no one was seriously injured but I do wish Motor Bike riders would be more considerate. I hate how they weave in and out of traffic. The funny thing about all this is that David had gone one block too far and was coming back to go the right way,if only he had taken the right turn he may never have come across this motor bike rider. Now we are wishing for a quite couple of weeks!!!
Happy days.
Bev C
Gosh, Bev, kids and cars - how well I remember it all! Glad David is OK. I'm having a couple of days off work and am trying to copy the dolphin square off Lucre's quilt. Felt a bit Irish sitting with tracing paper and pencil and copying from the monitor.
Bev, Good news about the material, patterns and new nightie, bad news about poor David! I hope it hasn't shaken him too much. Hope all works out OK in the end though. Kind regards, Anita
Goodness! I'm so glad David and his friends are ok, and the motorbike rider is very lucky to have only come out with a sore ankle. Hopefully this is the last of David's car trouble.
Lovely loot you have there Bev!! Enjoy and can't wait to see pics once the appliques are done and the fabric made up :)
So thankful everyone came out of the accident safely.
I love your patterns, books and fabrics. What fun!
Thank goodness everyone is ok
News you can do without and the call that every parent dreds
Congratulations on the win pleased that no-one was seriously hurt!!!
Glad it all turned out ok eventually or David. Long working days for him.
Great win! Congratulations (O:
wonderful fabric you have there..and your nightie looks comfy -hmm I might just have to keep my eye open for that book in the thrift stores-so glad that everyone is ok-shocking call to get all the same,cheers Vickie
Great wins from the C&T publishing blog, looking forward to see what you make up for the "Santa's Festive Honeypot Swap".
Sorry to hear of the accident but so glad David and his friends are OK.
Hi Bev, sorry to hear about the accident.. How lucky though that no one was hurt. I really feel for David, it's so hard when you have to rely on your car for work..My son has just gone through the same thing.. makes it hard on everyone. So glad they are all ok. xx
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