I hope everyone picked the winner of the "Melbourne Cup". I spent the morning wrapping and packaging the parcels from the giveaway. They have now been posted. So look out ladies you will have some mail shortly.

I love reading and are always visiting the local library as well as the Bookshop Cafe. With little on television lately and some programmes we have watched for years getting a little silly I have taken to reading in the evening. The only problem with this is the family room we sit in has a cathedral ceiling so the light fittings are up high. I will have to fix the
lighting problem with a new lamp. Then I may be able to see to do some of those cross stitches I have in my stash.

Ian and I love going to garage sales. Sometimes we can go for weeks without getting anything that is suitable for us. Although other people seem to always find something. A few years back we got this wrought iron gate then not long after at another sale we managed to pick up the old white verandah post. We used this down the front of the garden. I managed to pick up the cast iron bird at Target. I had been eyeing them off and waited until they came on special.

I went out in the garden this morning,everything is coming into bloom. Although I have a massive amount of aphids the Ladybirds have arrived so I think I will leave them to eat the aphids. The rose above is a David Austin rose by the name of "Abraham Darby" 1985 It has large cupped blooms of apricot-pink paling on petal edged with soft yellow reverse. It has a wonderful fruity fragrance. This rose always has plenty of blooms when in flower. When I was taking the photo the bees were having a great time collecting pollen.

This is "John Clare" 1994 also a David Austen. This rose has clusters of softly cupped.semi-double blooms in a warm shade of pink with a yellow centre. It has a slight perfume and is free flowering.

This rose is called "Mermaid" 1918 R. bracteata hybrid. When I saw this rose in its pot at the nursery I was attracted to the lovely soft yellow bloom. I read the first bit of the label. Unfortunately I didn't read it all until I had got home. Mermaid is a vigorous climber growing to 7 metres plus. I then put it onto a side fence and left it growing without interference for a couple of years. I pruned it down to a very small stump and thought I had killed it. It grew back and is blooming . I reckon if you had a castle this is the rose to be growing on the castle walls. So I guess the motto is "Always read the label."
Happy days.
Bev C
Oh Bev those roses are lovely... I love roses but its just too hot here - I also don't want to have to leave them when we move (renting)... Mum has them in her garden though and I love them...
I agree with you about the tv though!! Not much on these days unless you like reality shows.
Gorgeous roses!!
I love your roses ! Beautiful pictures.
Have a lovely week - it is pouring with rain in the UK today.
Love your entrance and the roses - I'm having a lovely quiet day at home and saving my money for fabric, LOL!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Thank you for those lovely rose pictures. Funny they already bloom in spring in Australia. Here they are real summer flowers. I love your iron gate. Goes so well with the roses.
I'm looking forward to it!
Such lovely garden pictures again and all those wonderful names. They make me dream a bit of Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters.
Such sweet roses. Isn't it lovely to walk out and enjoy the colorful blossoms and sweet fragrance?
Beautiful pictures of your flowers.
I love reading too and had a few books borrowed at the library, sure give me less time for stitching.
Enjoy reading!
Hope you are having a good week.
Your roses are lovely Bev. How lucky to get that gate? It fits in perfectly xx
Hi Bev, Love the gate - and the roses. I've given you an award on my blog, if you'd like to accept it. My way of saying thanks for the encouragement!!
Wow Bev what beautiful roses!!! Oh for my own castle LOL!!! How is that light going? Happy Stitching, Dzintra♥x
Gosh, Bev, I am so s.l.o.w. sometimes. It's finally dawned on me to add myself as a follower!
S.l.o.w. ... and forgetful. forgot to add I've finally used one of the lovely squares you sent me (they probably have proper name but you know what I mean). I know how my grand-daughter Shayde admires one of them, so I've added it as a pocket to a bag I have made for her. Will let you know how she likes it after I give it to her. Might put goodies in it and give it to her for her birthday.
Bev you and your hubby seem so much like my hubby and me.... we also love going to second hand shops and garage sales... we have a truckload of old things we have collected over the years.....
Cath Ü
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