I hope you all had a great weekend relaxing or having fun. Not long ago I received my first ever blog award from Pauline. Pauline has a great blog with such wonderful photo's . Pauline also has the gift of writing and I think she thinks I could write a book like her. I have to answer 35 questions then pass this award onto six more blogs.

2. Your hair. Brushed
3. Your Mother. Gardening
4. Your Father. Deceased
5.Favourite food. Liquorice
6.Your dream last night. None
7.Favourite drink. Tea
8.Your dream/goal. Happiness
9. What room are you in? Family room
10.Your hobby. Gardening
11.Your fear. Snakes
12.Where do you want to be in 6 years. Here
13.Where were you last night. Home
14.Something that you aren't. Bilingual
15.Muffins. Blueberry
16.Wish list item. Holiday
17.Where did you grow up. Jennacubbine
18.Last thing you did. Breakfast
19.What are you wearing. Nightie
20.Your TV. New
21.Your Pets. Chooks
22.Friends. Happy
23.Your life. Full
24.Your mood. Cheerful
25.Missing someone. Elvis!!
26. Vehicle. Kia
27. Something you aren't wearing. Showercap
28.Favourite Store. Dymocks(Bookshop)
29.Favourite colour. Pink
30.When was the last time you laughed. Yesterday
31. Last time you cried. Winter
32.Your best friend. Ian
33. One place I go to over and over. Garden
34. One person who emails me regulary. Lyn
35.Favourite place to be. Kainga
So to pass this onto six blogs was very hard. Everyone I visit on blogs and visits here are friends I never had a year ago. So this was a tough decision. I chose the following blogs in no particular order.
Vickie from Vickie's Crafting Vickie is a real down to earth person who joins in a lot of swaps. So I have been able to find lots of new blogs from her swaps. Vickie leaves such quick witted comments it makes me laugh. Thanks Vickie.
Bobbie Lynn from Why I love to Garden I found Bobbie Lynns blog after I googled the words I love to Garden. I found a fellow gardener on the other side of the world who has much the same gardening climate as me. Bobbie Lynn I very much enjoy visiting your blog. Thank you.
Simone Simone and I have been blogging about the same time. We have exchanged some wonderful emails and I have gained so much information about her country that I didn't know before. I think this is one of the wonders of blogging. Thank you for your friendship Simone. I truly treasure it.
Dzintra , Queen of the Armchair I think I met up with Dzintra after reading her comments on Simones blog. Well I think I have found another friend here along with JoJo, Dzintra's beautiful daughter. Dzintra put me onto a place I would just love to go to one day. I did buy the book so that will have to suffice for the time being. I love reading your emails Dzintra I know my cooking skills will improve if I keep reading your food blog as well.
Lyn Moore I have been reading Lyn's blog for a long time. I enjoy reading her updates on things like the latest book Lyn has read to her knitting. I cannot knit(I have tried) and Lyn does the most beautiful knitting. I was extremely lucky to win one of Lyn's patterns earlier on in the year. It was such a beautiful stitchery about gardening. Gardening is something I do enjoy so to get to stitch it is even better.
Janelle from Threads of Friendship Last year Janelle sent me an email before I was a blogger and asked when was I going to start my own blog. This was the nudge I needed. I did what I was told and here I am today. I have since met Janelle and she is a beautiful lady. Plus she works in a great handy shop that I need to go to sometimes. Thank you so much for the email and our friendship since Janelle.
Happy days.
Bev C
Hi Bev
Thank you for the nice things you said about my blog. I'm glad you enjoy reading it and I'm especially glad you enjoyed the stitchery pattern you won. The quilt you made was just beautiful.
I hope you take up knitting one day - it's very relaxing.
say what Bev does not knit oh my goodness..c'mon girl you gotta try eh?Thanks for the award most treasured,cheers Vickie
Thank you so much Bev for your kind words and for this Award. Next time I go to THAT place I will send you a big hug from there...Dzintra♥x
Thank you, dear Bev, for your friendship. You have become one of my very special blogging friends and I treasure all the things we share. Whenever I see roses, I think of you. Isn't that a wonderful way to be thought of!
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