What a great day was Saturday, the air conditioning on in the car with the Bee Gees playing to me and no-one to turn it off. Then to get to meet up with some Bloggers in Perth. First I had to pick up a cross stitch from the framers.
A chaque jour suffit sa peine |
So happy with the framing plus I got to drop of another cross stitch which I can pick up early next year.
Then I got to meet up with fellow Bloggers from across Western Australia.
We all had a wonderful day chatting and talking plus a little eating and drinking (tea and water) and looking at Julia's wonderful hand quilting and Maria's North Pole quilt. Thank you so much ladies, I drove home with a wonderful feeling of happiness. A special thank you to Sandra who opened her home to us with help from her Mum Maria. Of course a special mention must go to Sandra's Son who did a great job as the Photographer for each Blogger.
In the photo above are the ladies in question from left to right is:
I took along a plate of Lemon Truffles which are super easy to make in a short time.
Lemon Truffles.
1 1/2 cups of unsweetened desiccated coconut.
plus 1/2 cup for coating
1 cup ground almonds
4 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil
4 tablespoons honey
zest of one lemon
juice of one lemon
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
a pinch of sea salt ( I left this out,didn't have any!)
In a food processor, add all of the ingredients. Blend for a minute or two or until mixture starts to mix together like a dough.
Use your hands to form small balls.
In another bowl, add the extra coconut. Roll the balls in the coconut until covered. Place in the fridge to set.
Eat and Enjoy.
I make my own ground almonds, it is far cheaper to buy almonds and ground them yourself in the blender/wizzer. These Truffles could even be made with Orange juice to alter the flavour.
We are in the midst of a heatwave, 46 here yesterday and a repeat of it today. We got home from shopping at 9.30am this morning and could see smoke over the hills in the distance. Toodyay had another Bush fire, 170 firefighters helped control it. The winds have been awful,hopefully only a few more days of this heat.
Stay cool.
Bev C