Happy Monday,
I found this super quick cross stitch to make.
This time I used Cosmo threads, which are just so lovely to stitch with and 25 count even weave. The free cross stitch pattern was designed by
Kim who blogs at
Wisdom with Needle and Thread.
Thursday evening I realised it was time to make a batch of Hot Cross Buns. So much nicer than store bought ones. Though the Chocolate ones that Ainsley and Julian brought with them on Sunday didn't last long either.
Lucy made this cake especially for Bonnie. A double layered Chocolate cake with so many calories, we didn't even try to work that one out.
Happy Child and Charles Rennie Mackintosh Roses. |
I have been picking a few roses from the garden. These ones are "Happy Child" which is the yellow one and the pink one is Charles Rennie Mackintosh .
Now this weather we have been having is lovely but the garden would really love some rain. 16 mls for the year is certainly not enough. I haven't even put in any Winter vegies yet . We have lost lots of plants over the Summer/Autumn, ones that I thought were really tough like Wormwood Rosemary and several Plum trees and Prunus Nigra's have gone to garden heaven. In the meantime I have been burying the food scraps with a dollop of Dynamic Lifter to build up the soil and try to get some moisture into the ground. The soil is so water repellent at the moment.The joys of gardening in the Wheatbelt.
I hope everyone had a lovely Easter.
Happy days.
Bev C
Hi Bev what a lovely cross stitch project you have made,and wow love that Easter cake,your roses are so pretty,hope you get some rain soon.xx
So much sweet goodness for Easter at your house! Just 7 days with rain for the year, it feels like we haven't had many more days than that without rain! But yes I know the grass won't grow and the garden can't live without it....
Gorgeous cross stitch Bev - And those hot X buns made my mouth water. I have never made them myself I must admit. That cake looks divine too ... I hope you get some rains soon - we have had some at long last over Easter & its been great. I have lost a few natives during our drought which I thought would be more hardier. :-) Julie
very pretty pin cushion, love the cross stitchery
home made hot cross buns are so delicious! My hub used to make them each year but I couldn't stop eating them, so now I beg him not to make them. lol
hope you get some winter rains..
Beautiful cross stitch . I did it years ago then found it too difficult on 14 count . Never entered my head to go for a higher count
I like the look of your hot cross buns , I made small lemon cakes and a chocolate cake.
What a beautiful Finish, Bev! Love your roses and the Easter cake. Take care -
Gorgeous cross stitch. And the buns look delicious! The cake is amazing!!
It is so hard to garden in those conditions. And sometimes when the rain comes it seems like all or nothing. You have the nothing part for now.
Glad you had a good Easter.
Pretty stitchery Bev and those buns look scrummy! What a shame that you have lost so many plants - hope you get some rain soon. xx
Beautiful stitchery... I have my fingers crossed for some rain for you.
I am always amazed how quick you can do a cross stitch.. even a small one.. looks great.
Boy those Hot Cross buns and special cake look sew delicious......
such a pretty cross stitch... and those roses are gorgeous.... I lost a few 'tough' plants too in the heat and dry....
I hope you receive some rain soon for your beautiful garden - would love to have sent you some of ours. Way too much here but it stayed away for Easter, which was wonderful. Your roses are beautiful.
Hi Bev,
So sorry to hear about some of your lovely plants and trees. This year will be a challenge for us here too.
I will be praying for both of us to get some more rain.
Lovely cross stitch. I have not used Cosmo thread and is there really a difference? The colors I have seen on line look really pretty. It seems to me that DMC floss frays a bit more or is it just me?
Lucy makes the greatest cakes. : ) and those hot crosse buns look yummy. All good things for Easter.
Beautiful roses and those are my favorite color combination too.
Have a lovely day Bev.
Bobbie Lynn
Hi Bev, your cross stitch is lovely and all the baking goodies look delicious! We had a drought in summer but now are getting lots of rain!
Ahhhhhh so many lovely things Bev!
Exquisite cushion, and those irresistible Easter Sweets!!
I called my Jimmy to look at your roses-he is the gardener at home...I just want them in a vase heee They are beautiful, with so many petals they almost look like dahlias.
Each time I come to your Blog I go with a smile-thanks for that.
A kiss,
Great stitching - I might do the Paris one as we're there in the summer for a special holiday. Your cke looks lovely, calories don't count sometimes.
Has your parcel arrived yet?
Hello Bev. A Very Lovely Cross Stitch. Those Hot Cross Buns look so very yummy. I do not think I have ever ate Hot Cross Buns.. Belated Happy Easter. Hugs Judy
So many pretties to captivate the eyes in this lovely post. I can almost smell the tantalising smell of those hot cross buns of yours....they look delish!!
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