I was distressed to here that someone out there doesn't understand the Ten Commandments mainly the one about STEALING. Over the weekend at an exhibition to raise money for the restoration of an old mill a dastly deed was done. My blogging friend
had lent two quilts for the display. Unfortunately someone took it upon themselves to take this quilt. Jossie is in Heerleen which is in the Netherlands. Yes it is a long way from my home but with the Internet we may be able to help get this quilt back for Jossie. If you see it in some one's home on the washing line or wherever please let Jossie know. You may even see it put up for sale on the Internet. Let's hope the thief/thieves have a very guilty conscience and return this quilt to Jossie.
Happy days.
Bev C
This saddens me so. I do hope Jossie gets her quilt returned to her.
I cant believe people can steal this.I hope Jossie can soon have her quilt back... Love your blog. Andrea, from Spain
Thank you so much Bev for posting about my lost quilt. Maybee it will help to find its way back to me.
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