I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. On Christmas morning we set of in three cars for a few days holidays down south compliments of Ainsley and Julian. There were ten of us altogether. After a couple of hours travelling we were on the beach.
We stayed here. Games of beach cricket tennis walks along the beach swimming snorkeling reading eating and drinking and shopping were some of the things we all got to do.

I finished of this cute little stitchery this morning. I found the Santa pattern on the net before Christmas and got it stitched up. I can't remember from whom I downloaded it from ,apologies to the original designer for not remembering. It was made up with some stuffing originally but I decided to make it flat. I added the "Merry Christmas" to the bottom of it. I also added some red buttons instead of stitching the buttons. I think Santa will hang around for a bit.

I made up another Mug Bag for a Christmas gift. These are very quick to make and you can find the tutorial for it
I found this saying on a blackboard outside a shop in Dunsborough. I thought it was very appropriate. No matter what else is going on things keep going. It is a scorcher here today I just looked out at the thermometer out on the back patio and it is 45 degrees in the shade. An awfully hot wind is blowing. Luckily it is going to be a lot cooler tomorrow. A good day to stay inside and watch the cricket.
Happy days.
Bev C
Oh I love that saying..wow sounds like you had a great time what away to relax on the beachfront ..lovely for you all..ohyes them mug hloders are excellent and easy to make I have made a couple for gifts too...your santa is cute...cheers Vickie
I think I would rather be at Abbey Beach Resort - it sounds fab - than here in the city cat sitting. Love your Santa and I will make a couple more mug holders next year - I'll put it on my resolution list!! Happy New Year!
What a lovely way to spend your day at the beachfront!
And I love your Santa stitchery! Such a sweet mug holder (O:
They are expecting frost here again, so we stay inside to keep warm (O:
Have a lovely day!
Hia thanks for visiting my blog.
I love the whole idea of a warm Christmas on a beach- it would be so unusual. Here we have 6C but elsewhere in the NW is having snow. Ah well I had some of the magic before Christmas.
What a cute santa ornie. Glad you liked the resolutions. I'm trying to finish my last 2 UFOs so I can start totally fresh on the 1st.
I love making those mug bags... they are so easy and look so good.. I gave them to three of my friends for Christmas and adapted the pattern to make my two little grandees cute handbags as well....
Sounds like you had a wonderful few days....
Cath Ü
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