Yesterday I spent the day doing something I will most probably never do again. I have always admired these machine embroidered bowls. I had downloaded a freebie from
The bowl has six sides to it. Each segment took 34 minutes to stitch and had 19 718 stitches in it. The centre piece took 44 minutes to stitch out and had 25 699 stitches. I ended up making 7 side pieces as one had sewn a bit funny and it wasn't until I had taken it out of the hoop until I noticed it. I will use this for a bookmark. This morning I joined all the pieces together and it has pride of place on the table awaiting some lollies. There were several sizes to sew out I chose the smaller one. The centre piece would make a lovely Christmas decoration to hang from your tree. Am I going to make one? Probably not ,well maybe next year.

When we were looking around Bridgetown on the weekend we found Hayley's Nursery and what a lovely well stocked nursery it was. I was after a rose to plant to celebrate our anniversary and guess what I found. A rose I had been after for a while. It is called "Best Friend." It is a hybrid tea rose. It is a medium upright bush with deep pink highly fragrant blooms with long stems and good lasting qualities. It has light green glossy foliage and very free flowering. It is named by the RSPCA to honour friendship from loving a pet. I love it because of the name and that it is pink flowering. For Ian and I it will be the perfect reminder of our 25th Wedding Anniversary.

Look what we found while wandering the garden at Ford House. A lovely little pink room with lead light windows. The agapanthus was about to bloom. I wish mine would grow that big. It is amazing what a difference in climate and rainfall make.

Inside was a pink paradise. Pretty feminine gifts to touch and be in awe of.

Lots of lovely pink. It certainly was a shoppers paradise. You know in our room in the wardrobe hanging up were some little girls/babies dresses,a special touch indeed.
We are having a few cooler days before it heats up for the weekend. So I will have a chance to get some more sewing done hopefully.
Happy days.
Bev C
Oh Bev, we fell in love with Ford House too and love all the great themes and decorating Jenny & Ken have done. Thanks for reminding me about this treasure "Down South".
Hi Bev, loved your fabric bowl...I had trouble downloading the pattern?????I was keen to make one...Warm Regards Lyn
Cool bowl Bev...and lovely with lollies!!! What a pretty little shop...Dzintra♥x
I don't think you would ever find a silver rose to plant in memory of your 25th anniversary. "Best Friends" has to be just perfect. Love all those "pink things" although I'm not usually a pink person.
Love the fabric bowl Bev, and love love love all the pretty things in the pink house. The rose is beautiful as well as perfect.
You did a great job on the fabric bowl, Bev.
Thanks for sharing the pictures of the pink house. Lovely things in there.
Hello From Michigan, Your embroidery bowl is so lovely, the Best Friend Rose is stunning and the Ford House has the most gorgeous things to look at. Loved the Stain Glass windows. Hugs Judy
Your best friend is a beauty!!! And such a wonderful story behind it. I love all those gorgeous decorating items
'Best Friend' is the best rose! I have it growing at the side of my house - it's such a prolific bloomer and so fragrant. Love the bowl.
Oh, I LOVE your rose story! I just love it!
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