Look what has been in flower for the last week or so out the front of our home. Isn't it so bright it just wants to make you smile. It is a sunflower called "Yellow Empress." This was grown from seed from a packet of Yates seeds.

Well last night at 8.00pm I sat down and started stitching while watching the show 50 to 1 which was about famous movie quotes,quite entertaining especially as they had movies from different eras. Then "The Castle "came on so this kept me up until the end of that which was 11.15. By then I had very tired eyes but have managed to finish one of the stitcheries and nearly completed the other. I will be turning the one on the left into a Christmas Card Holder. Hopefully this afternoon I will be able to finish it off. I enjoyed being involved in the
Friday night sew-in because it made sure I actually did do something. It will be fun to see what everyone else managed to do. Some of us are in very different time zones from each other so will have to wait to see every ones work. Have a wonderful weekend.
Happy times.
Bev C
What a lovely sunflower
A very productive Friday night Sounds like a great way to get things done
Hello Bev, What a cheerful sunflower! I love your stitchery projects. I always enjoy seeing what everyone shares for Friday se-ins. I wish you a very Merry Christmas.
Hello Bev...good stitcheries!!! I like the idea of the Friday night sew in...I think I might have to join in♥x
Love your sunflower, Bev. Don't forget to post your finished card holder, I'm intrigued to see what it is like, how it works. Your stitcheries are so simple, yet so lovely.
Oh Bev, another lovely name for a beautiful flower and even the name of the seeds is special. So romantic (to me that is)
Glad you got such lovely stitcheries done!
Have a great weekend!
I love your pretty little sticheries. Yes, the sew in does keep us in line!!!!
Beautiful sunflower!
I love the sunflower! And I'm happy that being in the sew-in motivated you. Doesn't it feel good to have worked on the stitching!
I'm happy you joined us!
wow that sunflower is vibrant ..it reminded me of when we were kids and we used to find the biggest one we could and then we'd whack our brother or sister on the butt with it(bad kids eh)...Love your sticheries they look great..We also watched that 50-1 movies and there was a couple there we had not heard of so I went to the video store yesterday and hired 7 movies for $11, don't think we will get to watch them all but you just never know eh,cheers Vickie
That sunflower is gorgeous!!!! Glad you deciphered the zuchini recipe too... Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas xx
We had a beautiful sunflower that came up from the seed we feed to the wild birds out in our back yard... then we had a bit of a storm and the tray from the bird feeder flew off and cut through the stalk just below the flower.. you know it was hanging by a whisker and still managed to open and looked so lovely... until the galaha's ate the centre.... LOL
Hey I will have to go and check out this Friday night sew-in...c an anyone join in...???
Cath Ü
The stitcheries looks lovely and that sunflower looks beautiful.
A very Merry Christmas to you and your family!
WOW what a beautiful sunflower!
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