On Tuesday I finally finished a bag that I had put away for a while. The "destruction's" were not quite right. Some of the instructions were repeated after another which was very annoying and the sizes for pieces of fabric were different in parts of the pattern. Much to confusing for me. So I asked the lady who gave me the pattern to lend me her bag. It was so much easier to make looking at a finished item.
Lisa's Fruit Bag.
This is one of those bags that is supposed to be made from the product called "Pet Screen Mesh." I wasn't able to find any of that so purchased some Fibreglass Fly screen which is much the same thing from Bunnings. I made my bag a little wider than what the instructions said as I would have had to cut only a few inches of the side.
I used a Brother embroidery card to stitch out the fruit designs to match the fruit on the material. The design is on both sides of the bag. Lisa sent me the material last year so that is why it is called "Lisa's Fruit Bag.
This is the inside of the bag, showing the covered insert. I used some template plastic covered in the same fabric. Along the edges you needed to bind the hems with wide bias binding. I didn't have any on hand so used some black homespun cut on the bias. Did the job perfectly and so much stronger than bought bias binding. I added a magnetic clasp to the top. It holds the bag together so well. I am so happy to finally have it finished. I can certainly tick this one of the "list."
Happy days.
Bev C
It is a lovely bag. The stiched fruits are simply but great!
Glad you were eventually able to figure out how the bag had to be made. Isn't it terrible, if patterns are written incorrectly!
It turned out very pretty!
Great finish Bev, I would never have thought of using that mesh screen.... the bag looks great and I love the added embroideries.... so annoying when patterns aren't written right ..
Well done, Bev. The bag looks lovely!!
very nice Bev,i lovethe fruit on the side of the bag,well done.xx
great bag, what a great idea to put the mesh inside.
Looks lovely Bev.
Hi Bev! I love your latest creation. Wish I could take sewing lessons from you sometime!
Good finish Bev...today I spent the afternoon making bias...then 'unsewing' then doing it again!!!
Hi Bev,
Your fruit bag is too cute. Those hot cross buns look yummy. Hope you and your family had a nice Easter. I just nominated your blog as a favorite. It is the same award, funny. But I could not transfer the award on to my blog. Not sure way.
Your garden photos are neat. Those apple look good too. We have to wait for Fall to get some good apple. Right now in the markets they are not good at all. Have a good day.
Fun project, after you figured out all the issues. I love those fruit designs. This is going to be a great bag to carry to the market.
Lovely bag, the fabric and embroideries go so well together.
What a lovely bag! I love it :) xxx
Your bag turned out very well Bev! It's a nice size & the embroidered fruits finish it off beautifully!
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