We have had a very windy day here. That is better than having a earth tremor though,yesterday at about 12.10am I was woken by a earth tremor. I don't know what it was on the Richter Scale but it went for a while and things rattled in the house.

I don't usually like mice, but this one is cute. These embroidery samples were sewn out by Sue.

Sue made the quilt for me to take to the children's Hospital. Sue had everything on hand including the homespun and wadding. Some of the material came from Sheridan off cuts. Sheridan makes linen here in Australia. I don't think they sell the off cuts in the shops anymore.

These are the veggies I picked from the garden last night. Lots of broccoli,silver beet,kale and a miniature cauliflower. When I did the shopping today I realised how much money we are saving by growing our own fruit and vegetables. Ian has just drawn the winner of "Sweethearts" he was watched on by Lucy. Congratulations to
Lauren I will send you a email shortly. I will give everyone else a consolation prize so expect a email as well. Thank you to everyone who entered my little giveaway. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Happy days.
Bev C
Hi Bev , nothing can beat the fresh vegies !
Bev, you are just too generous. Congratulations to Lauren. As for those veggies, I have not been into growing anything but tomatoes so far. I'm sure yours taste way better than anything bought from the grocery store.
We had an earth tremor here in Georgia USA a couple of years ago. I have never experienced anything like it!
That embroidered quilt is so very cute and will be appreciated by some child so much. What a great idea.
Your vegetables are so good looking. Wonderful way to eat healthy and save money too.
Blessings to you this day.
OMG Thank you so much Bev!!! I didn't get your email, but I did get your comment on my blog, thank you sooo much!!!!! I'll email you right now!!!
Gorgeous vegetables and yes, you will defiantly save in money when you grown your own veggies. I saw that this summer when I grew my tomatoes. There is nothing like the favor also when you grow them yourself. Happy gardening!
We Know how you feel.. hubby has a wonderful veggie garden... unfortunately he went into hospital for 8 weeks and missed when it was at full bloom..... Two friends are coming over on Sunday and we will weed the garden and try to get it back looking good again... Hubby will sit and supervise as he can't walk yet... But the veggies we have had... mini caulies... I must track them down......
cath Ü
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