I had sewing on Friday and spent the day cutting out paper petal shapes then covering them with my chosen material for a project I am working on. After sewing Mum Lucy and I went to a cafe/bookshop which has recently opened in town. Most of the books are 2nd hand although there were a few new ones including one by a local author who has just been published,who is Lucy's English teacher. The bookshop has a lovely atmosphere about it. Lucy wants to go again. I enjoyed a lovely cappuccino,they have 5 Senses Coffee which is Yum. Pistachio and Lime Cheesecake was also enjoyed. Upstairs there are two lounges where you can sit and read the books or paper and there are boardgames to use. Today I will be putting together my monthly stitchery challenge,I have been putting this off which is not a good thing. A short while ago I went to this garden centre which has a tea house and the most amazing sculptures. Around every corner there is something different. From the road you wouldn't even know it was there. A real pleasant surprise. They hold functions there including weddings,it certainly would be a wonderful place to have your photo's taken. I took plenty of photo's,it was hard to choose only five. Enjoy...