Welcome to
Colourful Friday. This weeks colour is
Lavender. I hope it wasn't to hard to find.
Lavender Collection. |
I found we had some bath towels in Lavender along with a few items from the sewing room. There is even a page about the plant Lavender in a book.
Lavender Cross Stitch |
I did this cross stitch a few years back. It hangs in our bedroom. Lots of
Lavender coloured threads were used here.
Perennial Statice |
Out in the garden I managed to find several plants with
Lavender coloured blooms. Perennial Statice is a tough plant which produces lots of
Lavender coloured flowers. These are great for drying.
Salvia "Christine Yeo" |
Salvia's come in many colours and are real survivors in the garden. This one is one of my favourites.
Statice |
This Statice re-seeds itself everywhere and has lovely
Lavender blooms.
I must apologise I can't remember the name of this plant. It just pops up too. A great plant to have amongst the roses.
Lucy's Quilt-made in 2003. |
This is Lucy's quilt I made her back in 2003. It is a sampler quilt I made when I went to Patchwork Classes. Lots of
Lavender toned material was used in this.
Lavender and Joanne Baillie
(The Election, 1798)
Oh, they are such savages! I'm sure if I had not put lavender on my pocket handkerchief, like Mama, I should have fainted away.
Lavender and Alice Hoffman
(Practical Magic )
There's a few things I've learned in life: always throw salt over your left shoulder, keep rosemary by your garden gate, plant lavender for good luck, and fall in love whenever you can.
Lavender and O'Keeffe
(A Beggar on Horseback, 1798)
My dear, have some lavender, or you'd best have a thimble full of wine, your spirits are quite down, my sweeting.
"lavender, sweet lavender;
come and buy my lavender,
hide it in your trousseau, lady fair.
Let its flovely fragrance flow
Over your from head to toe,
lightening on your eyes, your cheek, your hair."
Cumberkand Clark Flower Song Book 1929
Lavender Thongs |
Of course every Australian Lady has a pair of Lavender coloured Thongs.
Next weeks colour may appeal to you. If you are a prim lover or chocolate lover you will be pleased. Next Friday's chosen colour is BROWN. So be on the lookout for all things Brown.
Happy Colourful Friday
Bev C